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Paying rent.

Chris Head

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 My personal circumstances have changed and I'll soon be living alone in a house bought by my father, how do we legitimately arrange for rent to be shown to be paid on that property? Is a written and signed agreement between both parties sufficient?

If scrutinised by the law would I be able to carry out works on that house which I am not registered to carry out and could my father pay me for those works?




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If I were in your shoes Chris, I would see a notaire and get a proper paper drawn up because somewhere down the line there will be tax issues for you and your dad and eventually inheritance issues which if not covered properly now regarding rental could result in a possible nasty surprise. Always best to cover yourself from the outset properly and you could also include a covering section regarding any works you wish to carry out are in your own interest as you will probably inherit the property one day. Even the best of family relationships can fall apart for no or small reason.
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hi ok

   " Quote "


If scrutinised by the law would I be able to carry out works on that house which I am not registered to carry out and could my father pay me for those works?

           Does this mean you are going to " Work on the Black " ????

                 Dave [8-)]

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[quote user="LEO"]

Hi Chris, I am sorry to read that your circumstances have changed .

Val's understanding and advice on this thread are commendable ,

Dave's comment is heartless!

Kind regards,




 hi Ok

           first off although I have never met Chris he is some what a good mate of mine ,he has helped both myself and ???? of others on this site , my quote is a male thing , women will not understand it , If you are in trouble mate and you have a bed  " a place to kip "I will come down and give you a few days,

 it`s the black quote from another posting you have done,,, donnot judge people without knowing the full story .

but my offer is true

 so sorry


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Forgotton about this thread,

Of course it'd be working on the black as I'd be doing works I'm not registered for and receiving some sort of payment for it...but seeing as it's "Dad's" house I wondered if I could/would realistically be controlled, that's another one for Ch de met this week, boy they must be getting peed off with me by now! Daves comment is a fair one given the knives that are out & headed my way! That's a mighty kind offer Dave and appreciated although the house is circa turn of the century I can be warm, cook and shower...getting workshop sorted, electrics & heat & re-establishing income lost through lengthy arret de travail are absolute priority...if I get in the poop I'll shout out; cheers.

Dad loves Oak JJ, have to keep an eye on him though...and check his car before he leaves![:D]

I'm going to see notaire & find accountant to sort the legal stuff; Val was right.

Cheers Leo.

A thought...if you got a man down next to you...don't leave him, stand & fight next to him; carry him, whatever...sort the problems later but never leave someone in the crap 'cos one day, somewhere, somehow....you'll have to answer for it.


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