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Online checkin Ryanair

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We are due to make two flights in the next few days.

We have already paid for one piece of luggage to go in the hold for each of these flights.

A neighbour has just scared me by saying that we should check in online and that this new system started on 1st May.

Failure to do so will mean we have to pay extra to check in at the airport.

Well I know Ryanair are making changes to checkin procedures but we haven't had any notification from them.

They have written to us twice - once to inform us of a change in flight time by 20 minutes!

The other to remind us of our flight.

Surely they would have told us if we had to checkin on line!

Can anyone reassure me - bit concerned here and away from home at the moment with no easy access to a printer.

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Phase 2:  From 1st

May 2009 all new bookings will be required to use web check-in, and the

use of traditional airport check-in desks will be phased out over the

summer months. The web check-in fee of £5/€5 per person, per flight

will apply to all new bookings (except promotional fares) from 1st

May 2009. In order to dissuade passengers from using airport check-in

desks, the fee for airport check-in will double to £20/€20 per

person/per flight at the time of booking.[/quote]
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If you booked a long time ago you might be exempt from online check-in but make sure to read the whole email including all the T&Cs as they are not putting the changes in bold at the top, but further down in the small print.

It is easy to check in on line and you can do both legs and print out the passes at the same time, if your trip is two weeks or shorter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you know at what point the on-line check in fee is paid? I have just booked flights at £8 one-way but was not asked for an on-line check in fee. Will I be asked for that when I check-in, or is it free because it's a promo fare?
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Whenever I've booked, the on-line check in fee is added while booking. There is a drop down menu of options with number of bags: 

0 bags + on line check in = 0€

I can't remember the charges for the other options, because I never carry luggage. 

Well done for getting that price! 

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Thanks for that. Looks like I have avoided the on-line check-in fee (this time, anyway).

I registered for email notification of Ryanair offers via their website and this fare popped up a couple of days ago, but you have to be flexible on dates.

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[quote user="lacemakers"]Do you know at what point the on-line check in fee is paid? I have just booked flights at £8 one-way but was not asked for an on-line check in fee. Will I be asked for that when I check-in, or is it free because it's a promo fare?[/quote]

Promotional fares are exempt from the online check-in charge, according to Ryanair's announcement.

(apologies for out-of-sequence posting - started a response then got distracted ...!)



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This is a little difficult...I nhave purchased a ticket for a person who has no computor/and is not happy to use one...so was not advised of the new system when I purchased the ticket 2 weeks ago!So,I guesse that I will have to do it for her and post it off recorded delivery to make sure she gets it...otherwise she has to pay an extra 40pounds!They are of course really stingent with their rules of one piece of luguage....we are NOT allowed to carry our handbags seperately.

Therefor causing delays fopr take-off as everyone is opening their cases to retreve their handbags.Then of course there is less luguage space in the over head lockers.Some of the rules are understandable....but not all.

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Enforcement of rules is pretty much down to the airport. Flew through Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago and cabin baggage wasn't being weighed, flew through Limoges last week and it was. They made a guy take a tiny travel wallet that was around his neck and put it in his baggage.

Carry a large carrier bag and dump everything in that before you go through

9.86 kg - pretty pleased at the accuracy of my Simpsons bathroom scales !!  

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[quote user="jon"]you are not allowed carrier bags!I believe.[/quote]

not sure, I have often wondered if they would stop me taking duty free on board in a carrier bag, but to date (at Toulouse) they havn't stopped us despite measuring cabin baggage as we board.

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I'm flying next week and have had an email today stating that I can only have one bag which includes purchases in the airport, first time I've heard this, this from Ryan Air.  I have often taken the large carrier bag route and never been stopped, bag includes my purchases and laptop etc. 

I was stopped with a cricket bat once and told I could use it as a weapon so it had to go in the hold, I wanted to use it as a weapon right there and then.  I made a big fuss ( quite expert at that now) though and wasn't charged but had to put it in the hold.

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[quote user="jon"]you are not allowed carrier bags!I believe.[/quote]

Not in the plural, no. 'Strictly one item of hand luggage' was written into the T&Cs a while ago, lately they are starting to enforce it.**

Taking one large carrier bag to swallow handbag/purchases/laptop/overnight bag/lunch is a good idea.  I'll have to remember that.  

**As Kevinmc says, enforcement of the regulations varies depending on the airport, but Security/Ryanair take no prisoners at Stansted!

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three weeks ago....stanstead then at Shannon.On the way back from Shannon there was a member of staff from Ryanair patroling the boarding queue and  making absolutely sure that all handbags were inside that one piece of luguage.One person had a something extra which she was holding and was told very sharpley that the extra piece had to go in the case or she would not be able to get on the flight.The woman said that the item would not fit...and the ryanair employee raised her tone.I do not know what the outcome was.

They are begining to paint an unattractive picture.I can undestand that they need to make money but their rules are no longer conjuisive to a pleasant flying exsperience.

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[quote user="jon"]

One person had a something extra which she was holding and was told very sharpley that the extra piece had to go in the case or she would not be able to get on the flight.The woman said that the item would not fit...and the ryanair employee raised her tone.I do not know what the outcome was.


That happened on our flight from EM to Bergerac last week.  The passenger and her partner argued with the (rather stroppy) Ryanair attendant and were told they couldn't fly.  Their 'removal' from the flight was announced to the passengers on the plane...a new name and shame tactic?

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1. Passengers in general and female passengers in particular seem incapable of understanding that 1 piece = 1 piece

2. All of this fuss would be avoided if the rule had been enforced from day 1 - why do businesses make their own life so difficult by having rules yet not applying them ?

3. Limoges airport staff have started weighing (but not measuring) carry on bags - doubtless the oversize bag brigade will start whining when this latter is enforced.


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I agree but the attendant on the Ryanair flight was being particularly obnoxious.  One elderly gentleman had his wallet out of his bag (to access his passport).  It was clearly obvious his wallet would fit in his bag but because he didn't put it bag in his bag fast enough he was shouted at...literally!  I (and several others on the flight) found the attitude of the Ryanair staff member offensive.  It was almost as though they were looking to remove people from the flight or create confrontational situations.

My bag was checked with great ceremony.  It looks a large bag but is actually within the permitted size and weight (carefully checked before we left!).  The Ryanair staff member looked quite disappointed when it fitted into the bag size checker.

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I agree nwith Scooby that this is getting to be unacceptable. I often fly out of East Midlands on my own and have one of those hard shell wheelie bags at least in part because the Ryanair gates are as far from the airport entrance as it's possible to be. When my handbag is inside it I don't have easy access to my passport and my money. Maybe if we told the staff loudly that we couldn't buy anything from their oversized trolley because we couldn't get at our money things would change. Not quite so bad when I'm travelling with my other half who has pockets which I can use. I think we don't answer back enough. When I accidentally left two tiny bottles of nail varnish in my bag when I was flying out of Londonderry last October they seemed genuinely surprised that I wouldn't buy a plastic bag to put them in.

Has anyone heard of an explanation as to why we can't take even one small bag just for documents and small change ? 


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I have been thinking about having a very large down to my ankles coat made with very large pockets on the inside to carry things like my laptop and photo equipment. It maybe a marketable product. And they don't charge a fat tax yet.[:P]
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I  have always been a supporter of Ryanair and I always had an good experience flying with them and no problems, but after reading all these stories of recent happening is quite worrying, I have not flown with them since last summer and have always flown Liverpool- Limoges/Bergerac. In Liverpool I have always had to go through to security with one bag (hand bag and carrier bag stuffed inside small hand luggage case, after going through security I would get my hand bag out and the carrier and put my coat/ jacket and any items that I bought (air side) and board with 3 items and never had any problems.

But it sounds to me that things are changing!. Can someone tell me if this happened with all airlines as the 1 piece hand luggage seems to be implicated by  airport security first before you get to boarding.

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The airport staff help to enforce the rules of the airline they represent. Limoges and Stansted are going to enforce it strictly because Ryanair are one of their biggest clients. Edinburgh only has a couple of check in desks and they don't seem too bothered. But scheduled airlines, especially the american ones, allows loads of cabin baggage. It all depends on your boarding cards.

However, some airports also impose a one bag limit, their excuse being they don't have the staff or the scanning facilities to manage everyone having multiple bags. Lame excuse, but they make up the rules.

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