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Walking stick on Easyjet flight?


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Good morning, everyone

Thought I'd come on the Forum to ask this as there's always someone on here who's "in the know".

I'm off on an Easyjet flight and I'm not disabled so the wheelchair symbol on their site doesn't answer my question.

However, I'd like to take a walking stick (which doesn't fit into my suitcase) and I'm wondering whether I  will be allowed to walk on board with it.

If anyone knows anything about this, please post urgently as I'm off tomorrow morning.  I don't want to turn up with my stick and have it confiscated..........[:'(]

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Its no problem Sweet. We have a friend who regularly travels with two sticks and she has never had a problem with them.

If some jumped-up security official tries to take it off you, just fall over. That should put the cat amongst the pigeons.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Bugsy!

Now I'm one happy bunny...........same as you are!

To add authenticity, I'll be sure to wear a knee support and perhaps a mini skirt so that the support is visible?  No, only joking about the skirt!

I appreciate your prompt reply, Bugsy.  Now that's one fewer thing for me to worry about.

Enjoy your day!  It's good weather for a ride out.

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That's OK, Stefan.  I don't mind my OH's grandfather's walking stick being X-rayed.  It's not some fancy, sleek, mixed carbon fibre jobbo with special grip and steel-capped tip or anything like that.

It's just that I like to have a stick when doing any long-distance walking but, now that my special Nordic poles are arriving, they'll be a problem to sort out if I ever take them on a flight.

Thanks for the warning about the X-ray.  I do like knowing what to expect and hate surprises of any sort.


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[quote user="PeterG"]Also comes in very handy for tripping up the other passengers who are running to get on the plane before you...........[/quote]

Peter, I hadn't thought of using the stick in that manner but I am seriously tempted.  So, no need to pay for priority boarding and just use my stick and be the first on board and have the best choice of seats?

No brainer, isn't it?

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It won't help you today Sweets - but info possibly for future use - it is possible to get sticks which can be folded and then might fit in your suitcase. I used to have one in the early days of my mobility problems.

Wherever you're going I hope you have a good trip.[:)] 

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Dear Lorna, I've been more worried about YOU than about myself!  How are you doing and are you still on that dreadful diet with no wine and no sugar and no whatever else?

Bless you, I have NO mobility problems; it's just that I am walking up some pretty high mountains and I always prefer to take a stick on such walks. 

And yes, I do have a telescopic stick but the mechanism has seized up completely (through lack of use, LOL) and I am nervous about taking it as it looks like a piece of sports equipment (which it is) rather than a walking aid.

Also, I have just taken up Nordic Walking (had my first lesson last week) and have ordered some NW poles but, as you would have guessed, the damn poles don't arrive until sometime tomorrow!

C'est la vie!  The French have an expression for everything and, in this instance, now the panic is over, I am actually very, very happy.

No housework, cooking, dog walking, husband tending...........rien...........just walk in the mountains (OK, rain and cold forecast but I can cope with that) and all my meals prepared and the bath to myself where I can read my books and stay till the water gets cold and dress in walking togs all week and speak or not speak to anybody as I wish.

Good or what?  But, you send me a message about how you are because it will be good to know![:D]


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Lucky you!  No kennels for OH, I'm afraid.  They have all declined to have him seeing as he hasn't had the porcine flu jab and they tell me it'll take a week for the symptoms to show?

I've left the dog strict and detailed instructions as to how best to look after him!

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Except that it wouldn't fit into the rack thing in which you have to put your hand luggage to see if the size conforms.

Already thought of that one, P2.  That's the problem with all these airlines:  they don't take account of the customers' wishes![:D]

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Many years ago I worked in Libya for a couple of years where alcohol was banned. But my then wife, who was continental, needed brandy for cooking. So, she emptied all the perfume bottles she had and filled them with brandy plus a load of other bottles. At Heathrow, they demanded that she taste each one. The poor dear had a very low alcohol tolerance. Interesting flight!
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[quote user="sweet 17"]Also, I have just taken up Nordic Walking (had my first lesson last week) and have ordered some NW poles but, as you would have guessed, the damn poles don't arrive until sometime tomorrow![/quote]

I think you already know this but in fact your walking poles (as opposed to a walking stick) would not be allowed in the cabin: see:




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