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Ryanir cuts flights - confirmed by Auntie

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I don't think that this is news as such: most of the winter schedules have been up for some time now and there are quite a number of flights which used to be year-round but which have now become summer-only. Ryanair is a bit like successive UK governments in its announcement of the same news in different forms at different times.



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Just another shot in the foot for the UK tourist industry. It is about time that someone stood up to greedy governments increasing taxes during a recession, and greedy businesses charging more than they need to. The owners of Stanstead make a fortune from travellers car parking, but it is not enough.

Won't affect me though, I never go back to rip-off Britain.

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Virgin Atlancic also calling for the tax due to go on in November to be stopped ..A ticket pemium economy is due to go up from £80 to £150 if you fancy going to Barbados...Tax increase this November and next is a hike of 113% ..A Virgin ticket printed on line will include on it a request to write to your MP and complain about it .
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I am sure Mr O'L is very pleased to blame increased charges/taxes for doing what he usually does each winter which is to reduce some services.


Given that the UK has an enormous black hole in its public finances and that whatever government is likely to be in power over the next few years will need to increase taxes quite considerably, then spreading some of the inevitable tax rises around various groups seems to be a reasonable idea.  Therefore it seems sensible that the air-travelling public should pay their share.  No?

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If foreign transit passengers start to desert the UK in search of cheaper airports such as Amsterdam I guess the government will to look forward to fewer people paying Passenger Duty and the result will be a few more thousand people ( ex-airline/airport employees) drawing Benefits.

This is a rare occasion when I agree with MOL...though I'd also agree that he does cut services every winter anyway.
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Have recently had this conversation with family in Australia. A long haul flight there will put over £300 worth af additions on a flight ....I for one would look to going to an airline flying from another European country to save that sort of money !
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MOL is being a bit disingenuous blaming the APD for him cutting flkights.

a) He always shuffles flights, sometimes to airports that pay him to give them a try.


b) Knock airport has a £10 exit fee which is unpublicised and is a 'must pay' before getting on the plane, even if you have a ticket.That smacks as extortion but MOL still flies from there.



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[quote user="Russethouse"]As I understand it Australia has had an exit tax for years, the last figure I can see is $47. If you were planning a trip to Australia would that stop you ?[/quote]

$47 imposed by the Australians for my return leg is a bit different to the £170 from Nov 2010 an Australian going home from the UK in premium economy will be charged ....not a level playing field is it .
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[quote user="Frederick"]Have recently had this conversation with family in Australia. A long haul flight there will put over £300 worth af additions on a flight ....I for one would look to going to an airline flying from another European country to save that sort of money ![/quote]

For how many people ?


Plus we're not in 2010 yet, a lot could happen....

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Lets hope somthing does happen and all airlines pay the same to save the planet.. 2 people going premiun economy will pay the same as business and first class dont know why but the tax would be £340 .The tax comes in in two phases as I see it this and next November .We already pay the highest air passenger tax in the world I believe ....
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If there is going to be a tax it should be on the fuel and not on the 'grade' of passenger.  I am assuming that the purpose of the tax (as well as the obvious raising of revenue) is to offset the carbon effects - so the proceeds of the additional levies should be applied exclusively to 'green' issues (developing alternative energy sources etc). 

PS - I think that the same should apply to UK vehicle owners: tax the fuel and abolish the RFL.

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