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Bristol Passport Control

Oxford Knight

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Bristol have got their four automated passport scanners up and running. I came in at the back of two plane loads of people which filled the room and got through before most of them! You have to have the newer passport with the chip and rfid tag in. It won't be long before everyone realizes and it becomes just as clogged as usual but it was a little boost as I was already late for work.[:)]
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Having recently flown to both Paris and San Fran from Bristol it's not the Passport process I have problems with; (though don't stand in line behind people in flowing robes, sure to be a delay). It beggars belief that my toothpaste is removed, together with my belt, shoes ad infinitum. Don't think I can be arsed to go through that again. Pointless questions at customs when crossing the channel almost seem a delight by comparison.[8-|]
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[quote user="just john "]Having recently flown to both Paris and San Fran from Bristol it's not the Passport process I have problems with; (though don't stand in line behind people in flowing robes, sure to be a delay). It beggars belief that my toothpaste is removed, together with my belt, shoes ad infinitum. Don't think I can be arsed to go through that again. Pointless questions at customs when crossing the channel almost seem a delight by comparison.[8-|][/quote]

Wots a Brissle man goin to San Francisco four?  No need to get flowerr powerr wen yous 'ave the Ashton Court Fest-i-vaal on yourr doorrstep.

And wots yous cleaning your teeth four, any road?  Yous use straw four thaat.

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I din't goin to San Fran for no ippie, dave lost it anyroad up, I went to see Monterey classic, Pebble Beach, an' Laguna Sec. I did look out for they choppers for yhoom but dint see none cos theyse all on bonnevilles, I mighten load up some foties when I got time, but the bestest stuff was duh twin engine Studebaker 'stock' dragster, duh 1928 Daimler an' beso'all duh chopped Peterson truck hot rod, (thas rite, the Peterson V12 two stroke 'un, gor blime, it was gurt great, sorry I means o-u-t-a-s-i-t-e man.

Wull as thees no, all us bristle folk dost rub our teeth with duh ashes out duh grate, but ar mu bought I sum too'paste, sos I woont be outafit like wid the udder folks who duh use whitepaste 'parently, but I niver gotafineout[:)]



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[quote user="just john "]

I din't goin to San Fran for no ippie, dave lost it anyroad up, I went to see Monterey classic, Pebble Beach, an' Laguna Sec. I did look out for they choppers for yhoom but dint see none cos theyse all on bonnevilles, I mighten load up some foties when I got time, but the bestest stuff was duh twin engine Studebaker 'stock' dragster, duh 1928 Daimler an' beso'all duh chopped Peterson truck hot rod, (thas rite, the Peterson V12 two stroke 'un, gor blime, it was gurt great, sorry I means o-u-t-a-s-i-t-e man.

Wull as thees no, all us bristle folk dost rub our teeth with duh ashes out duh grate, but ar mu bought I sum too'paste, sos I woont be outafit like wid the udder folks who duh use whitepaste 'parently, but I niver gotafineout[:)]



Dunno wot yous talkin' bout, alf the time. My ma, er says dat Studebaker thingymebob cum an' flatten Broadmead durin ze blackout sos I is not too keen wiv zem sortta thinngs.

Yous gotta grate?  Yous lucky.  I 'adto keep warm wiv strikin' Glosterrr's Moreland maaatches.  Zem thingys with jokes on the baaack.

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