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Easy Jet Cancellation


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I've just had an e-mail from Easyjet stating that our booking for the 15th of August from Liverpool to Bordeaux as been cancelled.

They have offered us a full refund or free transfer onto another flight on the same route within 30 days of the original booking

However when I go on their website they are still offering the original flight.

Just spent 15 minutes waiting to be answered on their 0871 number @ 10p/min no answer.

Sent them an e-mail


Is this normal?


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[quote user="Northender"]

I've just had an e-mail from Easyjet stating that our booking for the 15th of August from Liverpool to Bordeaux as been cancelled.

They have offered us a full refund or free transfer onto another flight on the same route within 30 days of the original booking

However when I go on their website they are still offering the original flight.

Just spent 15 minutes waiting to be answered on their 0871 number @ 10p/min no answer.

Sent them an e-mail


Is this normal?



Can't be -  reading all the forums, I thought only Ryanair could behave like this!  Hope you get answers soon, nothing worse than having arrangements changed.

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It gets worse!

Received a second e-mail at 2335 apologising for the fact that the flight had not been cancelled as previously stated , but rescheduled.

My options after following a link were refund (credit to use on a future flight) or free transfer to another flight.

Changed details to the day earlier , (even though my original flight was still showing available and at the same time ) but then they wanted £329 .

Tried to ring 0871 number ( no alternatives available on saynoto 0870) only open between 0800 and 2000hrs.

Eventually got through after 15 mins on hold to be told the flight was still scheduled at the original date and time and the 2 e-mails had been sent in error.

Mixed emotions or what?
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The same thing seems to be happening to me. Due to fly back from Bordeaux on 27th June, but was emailed that it was cancelled. Then emailed to say it wasn't cancelled but is rescheduled. No information on rescheduled flight, and original flight and times still selling on their website... can't get through to anyone anywhere... but you've given me hope that eventually they will say it's all just one big mistake!

Fingers crossed!

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Depends on when you booked the flight apparantly.We booked after the flights times had been changed (23/12/09) , they re-scheduled on the 16/12/09.

So for us there was no change , but they still sent out 2 e-mails to say we were affected.

I suppose mistakes happen , but why as it taken so long to inform the people affected.

It only appears to be the Sunday flights which are affected.

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Well I booked in November... and it is a Sunday, from Bordeaux to Liverpool. Yours was too right? So if your flight is still going in August, can I ask what time? Our original one was leaving at 12.55pm... so I'm hoping that if they've changed anything, it might just be the time... I was worried that they had scrapped the Sunday flights but obviously not... another afternoon on hold looms!
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Hi Francehouse

The new times are Depart : 0940

                             Arrive :  1225

The same as on their website

We're only flying one-way ,(Liverpool - Bord.) coming back with RA but that's another story.

So if your'e flying back , (Bord to Liv) your time sounds right but I'd still confirm

Just looked at my latest e-mail confirmation , sent on Wednesday and you wont believe their address





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You say, is it only Ryan air that cancel, my firends were surposed to fly out for Valetintines weekend Luton-Bordeaux last night, after the flight being delayed for 2 hours, got to the gate and were waiting to board, and then they cancelled it. Aparently the crew could not work any more hours, they were over their limit. Why didn't they get another crew in, while they were in the 2 hour delay..they would have know then, they were getting close. I thought they have stand by crews. Not a happy couple!!!
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"Why didn't they get another crew in, while they were in the 2 hour delay..they would have know then, they were getting close. I thought they have stand by crews".

Nope, they don't have to have standby crews....and even if they had they might have been used earlier in the day due to the bad weather over Europe causing disruption earlier in the day.

In the "old" days of full service airlines, (and higher ticket prices) most airlines would have a decent level of standby crew coverage. Nowadays with tighter margins it simply isn't economic to employ significant numbers of people to sit around on stand-by just in case they are needed.

I'm sorry for your friends' plight but it's no good grumbling at the airlines, the travelling public have caused this by clamouring for ever cheaper flights. The choice is simple: either everybody pays a sensible amount for their tickets and enjoys a commensurate level of customer service, or they pay less, and watch the levels of service deteriorate....and that indeed is what is happening at all the airlines, both at the LoCos and at the former Full Service airlines who are trying to compete.
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How many businesses have ever had staff standing around waiting in case they are needed? Perhaps the 2 hour delay was caused by trying to find these mythical beings?

Whilst it is a shame that your friends have had to change their weekend plans travel insurance will refund the costs and there will be another Feb 14 next year, probably.


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[quote user="Northender"]

They need to stop these childish games and get on with providing a decent service.


Most people feel that the Irishman and the Greek provide an adequate service most of the time. To get perfection charter your own plane.


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[quote user="Iceni"][quote user="Northender"]

They need to stop these childish games and get on with providing a decent service.


Most people feel that the Irishman and the Greek provide an adequate service most of the time. To get perfection charter your own plane.



Would you call having your weekend ruined through poor planning adequate.

Would you call listening to a recorded message for 15 minutes and paying 10p/min adequate.

Would you call having e-mails sent to you saying first of all your flight is cancelled , then 4 hours later rescheduled , then after spending hours trying to contact them , told "Its been a technical hitch , your flight as not been changed , ADEQUATE

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Well I'm warming to my theme this weekend of " you get what you pay for". As Iceni said Ryanair and Easyjet provide "Adequate service most of the time"........agreed.

I'm not excusing poor customer service from any airline, but if you want fighting chance of not having your weekend ruined, if you want standby crews and aircraft, if you want top notch customer service, if you want the airline to provide accommodation in the event of an overnight delay, etc, etc, then the travelling public have got to be prepared to pay more for their into/out of the UK flights than they are at the moment.

The European LoCos aren't as stretched as the regional carriers on the other side of the pond but if you want to see where European shorthaul flying might be going try typing "Colgan Air 3407 NTSB Report" into a search engine.......( can't get the link to post)

In short if you want to pay bus fares for air travel expect bus company standards of Customer Service and reliability......

It's your choice.
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[quote user="Northender"][quote user="Iceni"][quote user="Northender"]

They need to stop these childish games and get on with providing a decent service.


Most people feel that the Irishman and the Greek provide an adequate service most of the time. To get perfection charter your own plane.



Would you call having your weekend ruined through poor planning adequate.

Would you call listening to a recorded message for 15 minutes and paying 10p/min adequate.

Would you call having e-mails sent to you saying first of all your flight is cancelled , then 4 hours later rescheduled , then after spending hours trying to contact them , told "Its been a technical hitch , your flight as not been changed , ADEQUATE


 I stand by what I said "adequate most of the time" - that does not mean all the time. 



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