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Thank you very much lovely people for the good wishes! [kiss] [kiss]

Good news today... no sign of strikes apart from a white sheet/poster tied to the gates...and the hospital seemed busy and it looked like business as usual... better news is that they have reclassified my cancer after a case review... they double checked the lymph node spread and now say there was none [:D]  this is much much better for me as I was getting a bit worried I was off back to theatre!  I'm back on the 26th November and will stay for 3-5 days, I'll have a scan before I leave and fingers crossed they'll tell me that it's all gone... slight niggle is that there is a world-wide shortage of the drug so this may cause a delay... but I can live with a delay as long as I'm done before Christmas!

thanks again peeps... your good wishes clearly worked [:$]

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Please forgive me, Rose, I'd no idea you had a problem as I have been away for several weeks and am even now a semi-detached member of the Forum.

Allow me to add my Very Good Wishes to those of others for your successful treatment and recovery.

Perhaps, with my new hotline to St Jacques, I could ask him to look after you and keep you safe?  Then again, I don't know that I am in that category of saintly folks who get a special hearing....

Be that as it may, all the very best, Rose.  I will send positive, healing and beautiful thoughts in your direction.  Chin Up!!!

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Sweets... you're so not a semi-detached member of the forum!    Thank you for your good wishes and if you have any sway with St Jaques feel very free to welcome him to join me on my journey to good health [;-)] 

thank you [kiss]

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