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Liber t telepeage doofer


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Hi, we have started to travel quite a lot in France by car in thelast year and are going again in the next couple of weeks. We found out that it is possible (some how) to buy a doofer for the toll booths that let you whizz through but having spent hours on the web or listening to pre recorded telephone messages in French have so far been unable to buy one!! We get so far as the websites etc where you can purchase it online but come up against you must have a French bank account.

does anybody know how to get one if you only have the usual brit bank account or visa/matercard etc.

Anyhelp would be much appreciated before I despair and just join the q as usual.

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Hi Robert

it is possible to actually sign up and walk away with the doofer at certain places along the motorways.  We just bought one on our last journey home - this was at the Clermont Ferrand peage.  They take your bank details and set up a direct debit, and the thing is ready to use straight away.  There is also one at the Millau viaduct rest/viewing area.

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There isa big thread on the forum. We used to have one with SANEF but have changed to ALIS. Sanef charged 30euros for the 'doofer', and then there are 3 different options. ALIS' doofer is free and if you use the A28 you get a discount. They invoice for their charges. This email is for the lady at ALIS - she will correspond in English.

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I am with ALIS and cant fault their service .They send an invoice showing what they have taken to my UK address monthly . I have wondered given the recent temperatures just how "Heat Proof " these doofers are ? I always when leaving the motorways and parking up remove mine from the holder ..I dont know if they would send another free one if I "cooked " it ?
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[quote user="Frederick"]I have wondered given the recent temperatures just how "Heat Proof " these doofers are ? I always when leaving the motorways and parking up remove mine from the holder ..I dont know if they would send another free one if I "cooked " it ?[/quote]

The main heat-related problem that I have had with the doofer is that the glue sticking the carrier to the windscreen can lose its stickiness, allowing the whole lot to fall off!



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I have a Sanef one, ordered on the internet, and it is charged to my UK credit card.  I got it several years ago, so things may have changed since then of course.

My sister later got one over the counter at the Boulogne peage, where there is a Sanef office; again using her UK credit card.

The only thing with this method is that you must remember to tell Sanef whenever you are issued with a new credit card every few years - otherwise it won't work after your old card has expired.  (Cue potential red-face situation when barrier refuses to open!)


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Ta Da!!!!

Apologies for not replying but been away in deepest cornwall with no tinternet and also trying the various machinations suggested to try to get one of these to see if I can help anybody else - what a palava!!!

Anyway, I have at least managed to register for one via http://www.vinci-autoroutes.com/telepeage-@/107/view-107-category.html - however you have to "trick" the post code and hope that it doesn't muck up your delivery address. What you have to do is instead of using a UK post code of say bh13 9dd you put in b13 9dd - i know, not perfect and a risk but i think that after trying various permutations that the inegma code was easier to break!!!

ALSO make sure you put a space between the first and last part of the address or it will again not recognise it.

So you get past that and you are at payment and the dreaded french bank account brick wall.

I put in my mastercard details for the first set up which it accepts and then confirms with a reference number and a pdf of a form for your bank account details (which I have not completed yet but will and send off- i suspect we might then hit the bumpers) So we will see if one arrives in a few days and I will keep you posted.

other tip for those of less fluent in French - just cut and paste words/phrases or indeed whole documents into google translate (from the drop down menu on google under "more" - works wonders!!!

I am sure that the French toll comanies are missing a trick with us Brits not to mention the dutch etc. - no english translations on their web pages - need french bank account - help lines that you cannot phone from UK - when you can you get a very long recorded message in French which left me for dead after 10 seconds!! They could make a mint out of it if they opened it up!! anybody know why they don't (apart from keeping it for themselves?)

Anyway I will keep you posted to what occurs.


keep you all posted
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Sanef don't want credit card customers anymore, as too many charges were being rejected and the credit card fees are too high. Eventually, everyone will need a French bank account, although for existing customers the timing is uncertain at the moment.
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Yeah I recently got a letter from SANEF wanting my French Bank account details.  Another one for the 'when I get round to it' pile.

I think I'll dump it in favour of the Aldis version with no fees, makes so much sense, it is only inertia stopping me and now I have an incentive to change, well done Sanef! The words 'foot' and 'shoot' spring to mind.

Mind you, I wouldn't be without one of these Doofahs, on a recent trip way down south, I saved masses of time by skipping past the cars lined up to pay at the booths (I felt very smug too I admit). There was one time though when I got stuck behind a Numpty who went in the Telepeage lane with no Doofah! What an Eeejit!

I don't understand why more French people don't have one.  I don't live there full-time and have one so if you are resident then why not get one?

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Though I'm not French I live here full time. I don't have a peage doofer because I rarely travel on motorways with tolls. Dept 46 has few. My recent trip to/from UK involved 4 toll booths, 3 in France and 1 for Wales.

Over the past 7 years I cannot recall more than 4 toll motions per year and at that rate I just cannot be bothered to apply.

I.M. Boring
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I've been with SANEF for a few years now, and never experienced a problem. I've not received any communication informing of a change in the payment method but, we have always paid via debit card not credit card.

[quote user="Iceni"]Pierre Though I'm not French I live here full time. I don't have a peage doofer because I rarely travel on motorways with tolls. Dept 46 has few. My recent trip to/from UK involved 4 toll booths, 3 in France and 1 for Wales. Over the past 7 years I cannot recall more than 4 toll motions per year and at that rate I just cannot be bothered to apply. I.M. Boring[/quote]

What may be boring to you Iceni, is of interest to others who do see the benefit of the 'doofer'. I'm not French, nor do I reside in France full time, but over several years I've travelled extensively within the country and been pleased I have the means to make the whatever journey I'm making, easier.

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Boring, is stopping the car, switching off the ignition running out the car round to pay whilst holding everyone else up. Especially when after several hours of driving you have lost the feeling in your lower half and your legs aren't yours for a while [:)]
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Doing 70 ish on the motorway..Range Rover with UK plate passes me like I was standing still ....Arrive at the toll he is in the line I nip through the empty red reserved lane ... It took him about 10 minutes to pass me again ...the look on their faces as they  stared at me  thinking " How did he get in front ? "  was  worth the hasstle of applying for the doofer .
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Mine's been left on the windscreen since the happy day it arrived from ALIS with the other freebies. Heat hasn't affected stickiness of holder so far. I don't even bother to take the device out of the holder when in England and generally forget it is there. (It's behind the mirror so don't really notice it.)

I take the view that as I got it to save hassle, I am going to go the whole hog and have to do nothing whatsover except slow down a bit when approaching the designated booth. Has worked a treat. Mind you I still have to file the statements when they come through the post to tell me how much I have paid in tolls. Work, work, work.

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Just to let you know, I tried Alis and called them - I spoke to an English speaking lady who also told me that you need a French bank account. so who knows what will happen. I have received a number of emails today to say that my order has been despatched - hurrah!

Does anybody know what happens if you do not return your bank account details which for us would of course be a British bank account.

Do they just continue to charge your credit card in lieu of a bank account?

If they do then suits me - happy days and short ques!!!
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You'll probably be fine - until your credit card expires. Make sure you can access your account to change payment details when the new card arrives. If the online functionality doesn't allow for this, because they expect you to be using your bank account, you'll then have a redundant doofer and a black mark on your account.
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Spoke with VINCI the supplier this morning and was told that I must have a French bank account and that I should return the doofer if I wanted a refund - anybody out there actually driving with one of these and only paying via their dredit card as originally set up and without obviously a French bank account!!
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ColinE, I believe the announcement to cease accepting UK cards was only made in June, so you just missed the deadline. However, they have not said how long they will honour foreign credit/debit cards for existing badge holders.

Knowing the French, you will not find out until your doofer stops working, so for piece of mind I am going to switch over to my French debit card now!
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