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Foot passenger

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 In September I am travelling from St Malo to Portsmouth on the Bretagne - there is a note on the BF web site about luggage trolleys being available in some places but that passengers should be able to manage their luggage comfortably - has anyone done this trip - am I likely to be lugging a suitcase up flights of steps ?  
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Yes, the lifts are there and you should be o.k. without doing any stairs. There is a cage like room where luggage can be stored during the crossing.

Thinking about it the foot passengers seem to just disembark down the ramp from the level where luggage and info desk are so there shouldn't be a need to use the stairs, not quite sure what happens when they embark. I am sure Will will know.[;-)]

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]...I am sure Will will know.[;-)]


You won't have any difficulty in the terminal building or on the ship itself. The two areas where you are likely to have to work hard are on the buses between the terminal and ship (at both ends foot passengers and their luggage are taken on a bus), and the ramp to/from the ship. The escalators may or may not be in use at the Portsmouth ramp, but several suitcases can be a nightmare on escalators anyway. The alternative is a longish walk dragging your cases up several levels of slope. There are trolleys available between terminal building and bus, but seldom at the ramp.

You can pray that the normal ramp is out of action (as when the ship docks at the other side berth, or something is under repair). Then, the bus takes you into the bowels of the ship and you can use the lifts from the vehicle deck to the other levels.

Having said that, it's not uncommon for foot passengers to travel on the bus and up the ramp with several cases. The ferry company is used to it, though it's no doubt tedious for the passengers involved.

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RH, my 87 year-old mother-in-law travelled with BF on her own with her suitcase from Partsmouth to Caen this year and coped fine. Obviously at her age nice people tend to offer her a helping hand at awkward places, but she is fiercely independent and managed her case herself almost all the time. It's do-able. [:)]
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Last year - just before I went to Savannah for 10 days I had my hair cut - I think my hairdresser must have had a turn, he has been cutting my hair for about 6 years and knows I like my fringe longish, he cut it short and I had that 'surprised look' !  I hated it and felt self concious the whole time - hairdresser has been threatened with a fate worse than deathif he ever does that again  !!!! 

Thanks Jay Jay - I might do that sadly I just threw a sling away but I'd used it on the other arm when I broke my  other shoulder, it was a foam one and as I had stored it done up, it was probably set in its ways......

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  • 1 month later...
For reference - just did the St Malo - Portsmouth trip - easy enough even with heavy suitcase and carry on bag plus hand bag - the bus could have been the most difficult part but luckily people helped - the ramp at St Malo was quite a gentle slope, at Portsmouth its steeper and I thought my case might run away with me, but all was well.....
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