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Brittany Ferries strikes on horizon


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Russet, We now usually stop part way down to Dordogne rather than drive the whole way in one go. We used to use a company called French Country Camping that had its office near to us in St Albans and we could drive to the office to book. It was taken over by Eurocamp so we have to book by phone or computer now.
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Without knowing his medical condition, seems odd to me they should venture so far from home in the first place especially as he says he cannot walk anywhere nor drive very far?? If he is that ill, why can't his wife drive to Cherbourg or if she dosn't drive, they have taken a big risk in coming in the first place should he be rendered incapable.
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[quote user="Val_2"]Without knowing his medical condition, seems odd to me they should venture so far from home in the first place especially as he says he cannot walk anywhere nor drive very far?? If he is that ill, why can't his wife drive to Cherbourg or if she dosn't drive, they have taken a big risk in coming in the first place should he be rendered incapable.[/quote]

Surely you are not suggesting a fitness test for people to cross the channel ......or are you . ?

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[quote user="Val_2"]Without knowing his medical condition, seems odd to me they should venture so far from home in the first place especially as he says he cannot walk anywhere nor drive very far?? If he is that ill, why can't his wife drive to Cherbourg or if she dosn't drive, they have taken a big risk in coming in the first place should he be rendered incapable.[/quote]

I might be mistaken, but in a broadcast of this couple I thought that they mentioned a 24 hour trip. Maybe they didn't bring a car. However from the same BBC page: "Foot passengers here in Roscoff have been offered transport home through Cherbourg, but that also involves long coach trips on both sides of the Channel, an overnight stop and a ferry crossing".

Do you remember the dust cloud thing a couple of years ago? People found their way home from all over the place. St Malo terminal was bizarre, there were hire cars from Spain dumped all over, and there was a German coach that had Berlin-Peking on the side!

I suppose it depends how much one needs to get back, and some folk making large claims may have a misconception of the compensation that is likely to be paid.


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I don't think that Val 2 was making judgements, she was using "ill" in the old fashioned and non PC way to describe someone who due to an illness or ongoing condition can't do some things that most of us can. In this case walk far or drive far.
I am now in a minefield and will don my flack jacket. (donning flack jacket noises)
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

They come from Cambourne, its not a big journey to Plymouth and they probably thought he could manage comfortably for a day....they didn't count on nearly a week.


Thats odd, despite refreshing,  I didn't see your post when I made the following one?


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 Phoned BF this morning  re the current situation as I need to know if I am staying or not as due to sail soon and have to winterise ........or not !.

I was advised that the Union will make a decisiion on what action they intend to take at  11 am today .  I was advised  to call them for information this afternoon to know what will be happening Sunday  evening my booked day for returning to Portsmouth .  So lets hope after they have had a good lunch they have some good news for us all .

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My sister has just got back from Cornwall and says what is being reported there is that BF staff work 1 week on, 1 week off and also have 5 weeks holiday, BF say this way of working is not sustainable and seek to renegotiate the deal.

Can that really be right ?

I thought I read that BF staff have commandeered the Bretagne in St Malo, but maybe I have misunderstood?

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 2.6 million passengers a year.     Only 15% of them French ... the rest are British.... These ships are crewed and run from  the wrong side of the Channel .

Next meeting  tomorrow  with the governement rep attending .....meanwhile my ship is cancelled so I get to stay longer ...and the suns come out as well ...


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Oh dear.   Last night I dreamt that BF went into administration.

Which is odd as we haven't used them since 2001,  what with the withdrawal of a priced timetable,   their huge hike in prices,   their high-handed replies to various letters I sent,  their inability to process a cheque in payment for FPOC - I could go on.......

But it would be sad if my dream actually comes true. 

Actually wish we could use them,  Plymouth Roscoff used to suit us down to the ground (Devon - Perigord).     But far far cheaper to go all the way to Dover and use P&O - even with all the extra costs involved.

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[quote user="Martin963"] their inability to process a cheque in payment for FPOC


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Please let it be the last one! [;-)]


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[quote user="Russethouse"]


Doesn't look good......however BF have extended their Poole Cherbourg route with Condor ferries, but its for people with existing bookings only.


R.H   you are star..... Thanks for the post on extented Condor  giving me the chance to jump in quick and get a space on the Poole run ... Sorted for next week now.............many thanks

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Never thought of that - it's Club Voyage now though, I don't think that its associated to owning property here any more.

My OH travels from south Brittany to N Devon every few weeks and the return fare (with a 20% discount) this June and September has been under £200 without a cabin, £250 ish with a cabin, for 5-10 day stays.

A price worth paying we think, for driving 240 miles with a good rest in the middle, instead of 760 miles via Calais, plus £50 more petrol each way, and a hotel en route.


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Accord de fin de crise entre la direction et les syndicats chez Brittany Ferries

Par Juritravail | 28-09-2012 | 0 commentaire(s) | 0 vues

La direction de Brittany Ferries, une compagnie maritime qui dessert la Grande-Bretagne, l’Irlande et l’Espagne, a conclu avec les syndicats un accord de fin de conflit à Roscoff, dans le Finistère. Jean-Paul Corbel, représentant syndical CFDT des personnels navigants, a indiqué que cet accord devait être présenté aux salariés.


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

My sister has just got back from Cornwall and says what is being reported there is that BF staff work 1 week on, 1 week off and also have 5 weeks holiday, BF say this way of working is not sustainable and seek to renegotiate the deal.

Can that really be right ?

I thought I read that BF staff have commandeered the Bretagne in St Malo, but maybe I have misunderstood?


I was offered an interview with them (an excruciating four hour interview)  to work on the boats but when I found out that I would have to be on the boat the whole week I thought how on earth can they get anyone to do that? But they obviously do. Seems bizarre to take a week out of your life to work for them and have no life. And the staff are always very intelligent , well groomed and polite, not to mention bi lingual.  If it were a British operation we would have the Poles all doing that shift LOL

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[quote user="SC"]

Accord de fin de crise entre la direction et les syndicats chez Brittany Ferries

Par Juritravail | 28-09-2012 | 0 commentaire(s) | 0 vues

La direction de Brittany Ferries, une compagnie maritime qui dessert la Grande-Bretagne, l’Irlande et l’Espagne, a conclu avec les syndicats un accord de fin de conflit à Roscoff, dans le Finistère. Jean-Paul Corbel, représentant syndical CFDT des personnels navigants, a indiqué que cet accord devait être présenté aux salariés.


[/quote]Latest news on BF website still shows All sailings (except Poole-Cherbourg) cancelled Tomorrow and Monday.  There are a lot of cancellations later in the week shown as well.
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