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New law from 1.1.11 for septic tanks


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FROM the beginning of January, owners of homes using septic tank systems

will have to supply potential buyers with a certificate showing they

conform to the latest standards.  

A diagnostic assainissement (treatment of waste water check) is

therefore the latest addition to the list of property checks that

sellers may have to have done, on top of termite infestation, presence

of asbestos, safety of electricity and gas installations etc. 

Our tank, filter bed etc is almost 6 years old, will we require an inspection from SPANC too for the necessary certificate.

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ours will be fun! We had a SPANC inspection ... he said the fosse set up conformed, no stink, no obvious fault, but he could not pass our system as 'conformed' since neither we nor he had a 'map' of where the 'trickle' pipes went in the field after they leave the fosse. I asked if it was important and he said "no, lots of old houses have fosses that work but everyone's forgotten where the pipes go in the garden" but, all the same, I wonder where we stand?
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Not quite right, Ixy: you don't have to prove your system conforms, you just have to produce your inspection report. This will state whether your system is OK, or if needs upgrading urgently,  or if it's generally OK but with reservations.

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