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2m peage limit


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I know it says 2m so I know I should be less than 2m but does anyone have any knowledge if there is a tolerance figure especially as some people on here travel with roof boxes.

Technically you change vehicle class if you go over 2m but I wondered if people were actually charged extra for a minor amount of height.  The problem is I am looking at a new van and the transit is a little bit over 2m by 5cm.


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If you go through the auto-tolls there is no discernable tolerance although sometimes a trailer higher than 2m being towed by a vehicle less will go through as classe 1.

The best bet is to use the manned toll booths as usually they dont charge classe 2 for cars with roofracks etc, or maybe its just me that has been lucky, they never charged me class 2 when I towed the 2.7m high trailer yet they cant have not seen it.

Editted, I would get out and check with a tapemeasure the height of the phot-cells at my nearest péage exit, that will be good for 50% of your journeys.

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Thanks for the answers so far, I may have to get my tape measure out as Chancer suggests.  I suppose the only real way of knowing is taking the van through, I doubt those 2m floppy things will make too much fuss over an additional 5cm's. Just how finely set the sensors are and what type we will have to have a look at after all no one will notice at 4am [;-)]  May not be a problem if I buy a Renault, Vauxhall, Nissan (all the same van) as they are just a little less than 2m for a very obvious reason [:)]
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I was wondering how they could tell the difference between a class 2 van and a car with roofbox

It's answered here from the SANEF website which seems to suggest that you don't take a dedicated Liber-T lane ?

What if I have a roofbox or bike on the roof?

If you are a Class 1 vehicle and have a roof load such as a roof box or bicycle that takes your overall height over 2m, you will still be charged as a Class 1 vehicle.  There is equipment (laser and 3D imaging) in the Liber-t lanes that can distinguish between 'Class 1 + roofload' and Class 2 vehicles.  You should be charged at Class 1 rate.

Occasionally however, this auto detection equipment may incorrectly identify you as Class 2.  We advise you to check your bill when you receive it and if you have been incorrectly charged at Class 2 rate, please let us know and we will ensure that you are reimbursed the difference the following month.



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Brilliant PierreZFP, I looked through the Alis site but couldn't find the answer.  That is very useful to know as it may still allow me to have a roof rack on the van but get charged for class 1 if I get a slightly lower roof height van. Thanks [:)]
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I didn't get round to responding to my post http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance/cs/forums/3000866/ShowPost.aspx

I did, in fact, get a refund for the class2 payment for my 2.2m car. A bit of a slow process though - emailed them in September, credited on my November invoice, and paid to my bank in December.

So this is a slightly different question to the matter of fitting under the 2m barrier - mine definitely won't. There seems to be more and more of the 2m height restrictions and they are a nuisance.

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