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Re: Dartford Crossing and New Payment System:


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[quote user="richard51"]There are lots of disabled people who rely on their car for a decent quality of life.[/quote]Absolutely but what's that got to do with paying for the Dartford crossing, or are you saying that anybody who is disabled (for whatever reason) should automatically be given a free ride everywhere ?

Tax exempt mobility vehicles are exempt which is fair enough (assuming it's being driven by or transporting the disabled person but that's a different topic) however extending that to anybody who is disabled would not be fair and would be completely unworkable anyway.


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Ernie, agree totally.

A couple I know, he is over 65 and receives his state pension whilst she is in her 50s and claiming disability allownaces and now have a Mobility vehicle which one of her allowances pays for. So, effectively, they have a new vehicle (they are selling their old vehicle and she has stated that some of the money will go to a new iPad for her) at no cost, so why should they not pay for parking and tolls?
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I think in part, Paul T you have made the point yourself...but a Motability vehicle isn't a free gift, it is paid for by opting to use the mobility allowance to pay the leasing cost. So anyone using the Motability scheme to get a car will lose their mobility allowance because that's what funds the car.

That's not exactly "no cost", is it?

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[quote user="richard51"]
There are lots of disabled people who rely on their car for a decent quality of life. Shame on you.


And there are many many more who do so without ever claiming disability benefit avoiding working and getting their vehicle provided by the government, in fact pretty much everyone of us one day will be completely reliant on our vehicle (not one provided by the taxpayers) if we are not already so by virtue of our location, but then where we may have been a lifestyle choice, sadly for some others a very rewarding lifestyle choice is to exploit the disabled benefits system.

I have no problem at all with the aims of the system, we should be proud of being a caring society, I see big efforts are being made to weed out the exploiters and eventually one day I am sure that we can be 99% confident that a recipient really is deserved of our support.

What I cannot understand though is why blue badge holders should be exempt from road toll fees that all other people who are reliant on their car have to pay, you might make a case for freedom of movement in and out of Wales and also for the Dartford crossing but all blue badge holders? Judging from the many people I see using them for free parking there is no disability whatsoever.

But the M6 toll road, how do you justify that? There is a non toll motorway beside it and also all the A roads, we are not talking a physical barrier like the Thames or Severn estuary.

I have never been on the M6 toll road nor probably will ever but I am conjuring up a vision of the smug looks on the facse of the drivers of the Under 2 year old Volkswagen Tourans.

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The DWP's own estimate of the number of fraudulent disability benefit claimants is just 0.5% (http://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/may/14/disability-living-allowance-reform-analysis).

I am disabled and on DLA.  I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and have had multiple surgeries (reconstructions, fusions etc).  I currently have moderate to severe damage at 12 levels in my spine, both hips dislocate (the right severely), my heart and circulation are affected as is my gastro-intestinal system.  I also suffer from EDS related incontinence which is one reason for not wanting to sit in M6 tailbacks (which I'm sure many MS sufferers would also empathise with).  I am under multiple specialists whose letters were submitted to support my application. Nevertheless, I also continue to work and pay my taxes. 

I agree that DLA benefits (and blue badge) are not a mean tested benefit and so should not entitle claimants to free parking.  This is what leads to much abuse. 

I am sick, sick, sick of the nasty and condescending comments of the kind many expressed on this thread.  Maybe if you had just an hour in my shoes you might have a little more basic compassion and feel grateful for the good health you have been blessed with.


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Just a question; but do disabled badge holders get exemption from road tolls in France, and did they pay the Dartford toll under the old system? As for nasty condescending comments on this thread, while I appreciate I don't suffer your problems Sunflower, I think your being a little unfair as you haven't got a clue about people who post on here and their health problems. 

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I do feel gratefull every day for the robust good health that I enjoy, I work hard for it and dont take it for granted as its only in the last 3 years that I have experienced the fitness,  health and well being that most people should take for granted.

I realise that some people have severe problems that they cannot reverse through diet and exercise, indeed it could well be dangerous and I do empathise with them.

And then I also see a lot of people with self inflicted ill health through smoking, drinking and over-eating, I can identify with them also as there but for the grace of god go I.


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Sunflower, nor do you know the person that I was referring to:

She had her disability benefits withdrawn. However, she appealed and put on such a good show that they also gave her funding that now pays for the mobility vehicle. She does sometimes forget herself and does normal things like dash along the hallway to get something.

But on what is 0.5% fraudulent claims based? Those that they have detected but not on those who have put up a good act (see above).

I am sorry, but I cannot see a reason why disabled people should not pay for parking and tolls. Yes, they may feel that they have had a rough deal and think why should I not be able bodied but there again children die of cancer.
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To get back on topic:

Crossed northbound yesterday with vehicle registered to my Dart Charge account. Balance has dropped from £18 something to £17 something and the trip shows when I checked my account just now.

At the toll booth the barrier still falls but a camera placed just beyond the barrier reads the reg plate. Although I stopped it would have been possible to keep moving slowly but I'm not brave enough, nor have enough faith in the barrier's rising, to do that.

Certainly seems to have speeded up the flow of traffic.
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  • 2 weeks later...

One in seven unpaid I read somewhere, they must be rejoicing now as they will be laughing all the way to the bank and eagerly anticipating their fat cat bonuses.

Take the foreign vehicles out of the equation as they will never chase or get those fees back, I reckon its still one in eight unpaid, most of which in the fullness of time will be paid as £100 fines.

Are there shares listed for the operating company? They will be showing massive profits this year as all the fines will initially be posted as debtors, it will take a few years before they reluctantly write off some of the unrecoverable debt.

And let us not forget the significantly reduced operating costs!

I take my hat off to these guys.

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]The operation of the tolls is being carried out by SANEF the largely Spanish owned operator of French motorways. They are to receive something like £365 million to manage the system for 10 years.[/quote]

So if they are getting roughly £36 million a year to run the toll how much goes to Gov and THI, cor money for old rope, well done Maggie and of course Dennis who had a good share holding at the time.

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