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holidays in France


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Hi everyone!!

I'm going to France with my boyfriend in 2 months!! we are really excited because we love France and we haven't been on holidays for a year now! :)

We'll go to Paris to visit our best friends and visit the capital again!! i love this city so much! all the little streets, the Champs Elysees, the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame and the Sacre Coeur!!

and don't forget the wonderful food and the shopping!!! exceptional! :)

after that, we want to go to Lyon, i heard that it's a wonderful city,  very young, very joyful!!  totally what we like :)

we don't know what to pick, a hotel or a hostel??

my boyfriend found this out: [url]http://www.hostelbookers.com/hostels/france/lyon/[/url] and [url]http://hotel.twenga.co.uk/france/lyon-rhone-alpes.html[/url]

the hostels are cheaper but are they nice for a couple??

thanks for your suggestions! :)

happy new year everyone !!

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[quote user="LEO"]Hi Suzan,

Paris and Lyon will be cold and pithing wet in two months time!
and you are excited!

Is this a wind-up?

I believe it could well be, Leo! [Www] I'm sure many of us will be interested in hostels. [blink]

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Even if it's cold and wet, it'll be cool! we don't really care too much about the weather, of course we'll prefer the heat and the sun, but it's not a reason not to travel in winter!

so yes we are excited!

and  thanks Sid, we are looking for the hostels :)


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You are right to travel there, France is a so nice destination!

of course a hostel is cheapest than a hotel, but may be in paris it will be more confortable for you to book a hotel, you can find some not so expensive and it is more romantic!

I do not know lyon so i can not help you finding something, but if you have planned to go in another place, try "chambre d hotes". you are in a personnal house, the bedrooms are often more confortable and cosy than hotel (and of course hostel) and very cheap! You can eat with the family if you want to taste the french food and meet people. most of the time these persons like having people at home and will tell you what places you have to see.... it is really really nice! I recommend this kind of accomodation, both romantic and friendly!

have a nice trip


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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 years later...
[quote user="Clark Kent II"]

I think that English may have evolved during the four years since the previous post on this topic.


But, CK, does "evolved" implies "got better" or simply "has changed"?

Come on, language buffs, let's have your thoughts on this one?[:D]

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CK, that's not a lot of help because I think we established yonks ago that we both suffer from phone phobia?

Had to ring a hitherto unknown Frenchman earlier this evening because, after he offered to ring me, I thought I was better off doing the initial ringing.

Bon sang, can he jabber on!  Anyway, at the end of the long phone call and after we had arranged a time and place for our rdv, he said, oh, I've just remembered something, exceptionellement, this Saturday, I have to be at the baptism of my grandchild and so I can't meet you after all!

All I had to hand was a bottle of rosé  and I don't even like rosé but, yes, you have guessed it, it was open in minutes and half its contents consumed within half an hour!

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Talking of French holidays, Monday night aboard Brittany Ferries was not the best place to be. Rough sea like I have never experienced in many years of the Portmouth-St Malo crossing or any other of their routes I have used to France and Spain. They had two attempts to dock the ferry at St Malo and in the end we were an hour and 45 minutes late.

Yesterday in Bordeaux traffic was totally gridlocked, definitely not fun and then with a subsequent missing of train(s) followed by a delayed, much later train home it has not been the best of weeks for travel.

Never mind, I am still alive and kicking.[:)]

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