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Renters who aren't paying...can I just make them leave?


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And all the houses in France should be (a) sold or (b) rented to people from - say the UK - where this sort of thing never happens of course because no Brit ever defaults on their rent or utility bills.

You run a business and rent out property - you take a risk and you should know what you can do in this event in advance, the fact you're in SA is something that you should have factored in should your tenants do this to you - and if the electrical system is dangerous, do you have any culpability?

Most of what has been suggested in this thread is illegal, you do it and you're in the wrong.

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My brother rents out properties in the UK and the worst exeprience he had was a crack addict who literally stripped the house of anything and everything saleable.  This wasn't just furniture and appliances - he stripped out the entire kitchen: the kitchen units and worksurfaces, sink, taps  even the tiles, bathroom likewise, even the central heating system and immersion heater etc were removed.  When he had no heating he simply lifted floor boards etc and burned those.. 

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One of mine  against the tenancy agreement kept Simese cats...hid them up when I called....she then went to the USA for three weeks having asked sombody to go in  the house and leave food empty litter trays ....The cats  shut in had free  run of the house... they were the best wallpaper strippers I have ever come accross......they stropped their claws in every room of the house....   wallpaper....   beds ....... chairs ....After I was informed by a  neighbour what was going on  and I tackled her about the situatioin .......she fled owing rent .....
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Frankly I think the tenants have achieved what they wanted - they have Fiona's attention. Whatever happens to the tenant and/or the property it seems the electrics need attention, so as I think someone else suggested the best plan may be to get an agent, get the repair done and regularize the rental situation.
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he moderators have deleted the content of this post, as it breached the forum Code of Conduct.

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I've not hit the Christmas booze (yet) but as far as I can see the mods ARE now encouraging posts which are insulting,  abusive, etc etc.

It definitely DOES say  "Please do post messages which:  are insulting etc etc.

Maybe I should get out more!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Firstly, apologies for my delay in replying to your suggestions but once I posted my question, I then couldn't find my way back again! - Until now... (perhaps now you can understand why I've got into such a bind with my tenants!)

Anyway -  I must say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond to my questions. Whilst I think some of the suggestions are perhaps going a little too far (!) they've certainly made me smile wryly - some even laugh out loud...but I think perhaps this response from Frederick is the most useful and certainly one that I intend to follow up on.

I have to say that I have also come to realise my cupability in this situation...I haven't taken enough care of them or the house and have kind of hidden my head in the sand hoping the problems would simply disappear (not a hard thing to do in the beautiful beaches of the cape it has to be said!) - but now ofcourse it has all come to a head.  

I will indeed let you know how the situation resolves itself and will try to deal with it as decently as I can.

It is sad for me to see how many people are in similar situations...by the way, given some of the comments about French renters versus British renters - perhaps I should mention that this couple is British! 




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