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Moving from Spain to france with 25 year old daughter


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Heres our problem , my wife and I are planning to move to France from Spain soon, I will  join the ss system and work self employed ,  probably on  a micro bic , my daughter had been in the past a victim of domestic violence here in spain  and althogh she has a protection order against her assailent  she does not want to stay in Spain on her own ,

If she comes with us  and lives in our new property  and is supported by us  initially , will she be treated as  a non actif person and have to prove  means ,  healthcare ( she is coverd with the spainsh EHC )  etc etc  or can she stay as a spanish resident  staying with us, or does she need to become a French resident withing the first 3 months  ?  she would hope to find a job eventually   but probably not in the first 3 months or living there  , any help appreciated



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I'm registered as a BNC, and now my 23 year-old daughter has moved "back home" I have added her to the ayant droits so she is covered. She lived and worked in Germany for a year before, but they wouldn't give her an E106. Neither would the UK (where she worked before) as she apparently hadn't paid enough into the system.

Once we get the paperwork through she will be using my SS number but will have her own carte-vitale, and then she can sign up with ASSEDIC and ANPE and find a job!

HTH :)
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So , if I get legal  she can come with us as part of the family  even though she is over 18 and presumably a " person in her own right "  I think she can get an E 106  as she has been working here for the last 8 years  but is currently out of work ,


thanks for the info


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She will be unlikely to get an E106 as she would have to have been paying NI contributions within the 30 months prior to the move - probably not the case here.  She may qualify as your dependent, but could she not be part of your business? - those who run them would know more.  Signing on is probably the best bet but again, no work, no cover.  But almost any employment would get her into the regime generale if nothing else.

I'll try to find out if there is an age limit for dependent children....

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Will have to check the E106 for her, she has been working ( legally employed) and is currently receiving spanish unemployment benefit . I having been self employed for 18 years here ( spain) only qualify for an E 106 for 3 months .
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