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Complete France Forum

Origins of Chateau Challuau (Challeau)


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I am a genealogy researcher searching for origins of the Challeau family.  They later became the Chaloux family after moving to Canada, and a few other variants.  But in the 1600's they were predominantly known as the Challeau family (living in the area around Poitiers and Mirebeau in Viennes state in France).  Earlier, there is evidence that they had emigrated from up to the northeast of Tours, and possibly earlier still, they may have come from the area near Paris.

This leads me to my historical question that I'll pose here in hopes that some expert in this topic may have some information.  There are two castles known as Chateau Challuau (or Challeau) in the general vicinity of Fontainebleu.  What I would like to know is the origin of the name of Chateau Challuau.  I believe I've read there may be some connection to Spain, but not sure.

Bottom line that I am looking for is whether Chateau Challuau (Challeau) is connected to the Challeau family, and if so, how.  Also, I saw that there were supposedly some vineyards at Challuau.  I'd appreciate any information on them as well.

Thanks one and all for any inputs.

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