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Little brown dots


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I've been reading all your messages about loir and salamanders (we're still looking out for them)  but we don't have any wildlife worries except..  What are these little brown dots that I have to wash off the floor and furniture.  We're having family discussions and assume they come from flies or spiders!  But which?  or have we something else crawling around the house that we don't know about?

Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about they are about 1mm across, round and come in little groups.  They wash off easily!



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I have found some of these as well on the wall.

Is the culprit the 'white bottomed fly' that was mentioned on LF a while ago?

I didn't realise they were different to ordinary house flies until I began to spank their little bottoms with my fly swatter!

How can a fly's gut hold so much? 

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[quote]I have found some of these as well on the wall. Is the culprit the 'white bottomed fly' that was mentioned on LF a while ago? I didn't realise they were different to ordinary house flies until I b...[/quote]

Our first house here had white marbled tiles. We coined the phrase -

Merde de Mouche

Pretty well covers it, oui?

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They vomit, don't they?

People have tried to convince me the brown dots are spider droppings. All I can say is either my spiders have appalling diarhoea (sp?) or I'm living with so many spiders I should have run away screaming years ago. Or perhaps cleaned the house.

Flies, definitely flies.

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