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big fat creamy grey grubs


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We have been digging over our compost heap and it is full of these grubs.

They are about an inch long and sometimes a centimetre in diametre (to mix measures).

They have brown heads, and as well as finding them in the well rotted compost we have also found them in rotten wood.

We found that they could be stag beetle larvae, but there seem to be too many for that (I am very fond of stag beetles, so I wish they were).

Any ideas?  If they are desirable, fine, but if not, it's an early Christmas dinner for the chickens!

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thanks for the replies, guys.

There's no picture of the larvae on your site - can you tell me what the differences are between these and the chafer grubs (which we don't much want)?

No worries about the "untidiness" of our place, however - we always leave wood lying around and don't use chemicals.  It helps if we re-name things, too - eg we have a wild flower meadow, not a lawn...less mowing!

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Sorry about that, I have put a picture on a URL link below. In many ways it is not easy to describe the difference between a stag beetle larva and a chafer larva. From your description of where you found the "grubs" they are 99% sure to be Stag beetles - this is typical including the compost.

I think there is a project in the UK which involves putting a large container of compost in the ground with the top level with the surrounding surface, then covering this with a small quantity of wood. This is then carefully sorted through after a year or two to detect the presence of larva - this is to increase the available information on its current range.  Can I give a bit of a warning about "doing picture searches" on the web? Recently I have come across several pictures with the wrong species name - always try and find several sources to compare.

Link for "grub" http://www.planetepassion.com/luca4.gif

Hope it helps, Chris

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