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Bee orchids/lady orchids

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I was so delighted a week ago when I came across 20+ Bee Orchids, and 15 +Lady Orchids growing at the side of the road in my village. St Martin d'Entraigues dept 79; I have beep up there a few times a day, and just been so amased at their beauty. Imagine my horror when I went up there tonight and find that they have all gone. The banks have all been cut, and all the wild flowers have been destroyed. Dead bee orchids not a pretty site. I would like to express my sadness to the Marie, but my french isn't good enough. Can anyone help please.I would like to know if they are endangered species in France. I am so distressed at this 'unintentional' vandalism. Every grass verge gets cut back like this, they all look bald and horrible now. 

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I can only share your distress.  There are many people in this part of Normandy trying to persuade the authorities to leave the verges a little 'untidy' at least until the spring flowers have set their seed.  They have had mixed success but the movement is gathering momentum.

If you can't find someone to give you an instant message, you can email me what you want to say and I can do a translation for you if you wish - it won't be perfect but it will make sense!


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I'm of the same opinion about the verges and hedgerows.  When we moved in we had quite a dense hedgerow the other side of our lane, but between the farmer renewing the sheep fencing and the verge cutting the hedgerow was entirely gone last year.  It is now recovering but I'm afraid that very soon the verge cutters are going to come along and cut back the hedges that are just growing.

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Well, you can all do something positive and join your Departmental Nature Association which will add to their numbers, and membership numbers mean more influence at the "table"  I have listed as many as possible that I know of in my Regions section on my website. In Deux Sevres it is Deux Sevres Nature & Environment, I know some of the people there and they already have some Brit members. There are also lots of outside activities if you want to be involved, very interesting and a lot of fun, don't worry about not having good French.

It only costs a few Euros a year to be a member, in fact GODS (Groupe Ornithologique des Deux Sevres) lets you decide how much to pay!!

Chris, http://www.planetepassion.com

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Well, I dunno. Every year since buying our house in the Limousin, I've been shocked and saddened to see verges cut, and cowslips, bluebells and orchids cut down willy-nilly.

And every year they are back, often better than the year before.

Maybe the people looking after the verges know a thing or two?


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Here in the Vienne and I know that it's the case in many regions in France, many communes have put in place a mowing policy which allows the roadside and ditch plants a chance to flower and set seed etc. This can also includes the non use of herbicides. This has usually come about as a result of consultations between the types of groups that I mentioned before and Mayors who are receptive to these ideas.

It isn't just a case of whether certain species survive early mowing ( and there are some that don't ), it's the entire matrix of other species that depend upon the flowers and plants to maintain their life cycles.

I really do urge anyone who is interested in wildlife, even if only in a general manner, to join their local departmental association, you will be amazed what you will discover about the area you live in.


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