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birds and ants????

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Hi all, i have a blackbird nest in my garden with only one youngster in it and it has a problem, the cere has been completely eaten away (ants) or the flesh has some kind of disease that permits flesh to rot?? The question i have is, if there were more young there, have they suffered the same fate and is it cruel to leave it to suffer?

Any suggestions as to the source of problem, hugh.

PS The other nests seem to be ok, blackbird, blue tit, etc

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I suppose it may be dead anyway by now Hugh!  I don't know about ants but it may well be some sort of parasite and if the others had it the mother probably took them out of the nest and dumped them somewhere.

Tricky one and I think you will have to decide what's best, let nature take it's course or take it out of the nest and whack it with a spade.

Sorry, best I can do, Chris


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