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aerial acrobats

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Hi, spent a good half hour today watching  7/9 black kites having all sorts of fun in the breeze. They were going through what seemed like a mating ritual similar to what eagles do, grabbing each other by the talons and swinging helicopter style whilst plummeting earthwards. All this was preceded by a hunting frenzy that was great to watch, the farmers were lifting a field full of silage and as the rows of grass were lifted the resident mice were scurrying for cover, this gave way to an aerial display that you rarely see on even David Attenborough shows. There were vertical stoops with tight spirals, long gliding swoops and lifts and several back flips with wings tucked back like fighter planes. A joy to behold and well worth the french tooting their horns at me for parking roadside, Hugh.

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Makes your day doesn't it?    Well, it makes mine but I guess some people would say that I'm easily pleased.

The mowing things interesting, because on the one hand it does exactly what you said, provides a good food source, though beats me how the birds know, they seem to arrive from nowhere, but on the other hand it's a really big problem for the ground nesters that use that type of habitat, Hen harriers, Montague's harriers and two birds that I will be seeing this weekend (in the rain by the seems of things) the Little Bustard and Stone Curlew.

But, as far as today goes, who's a lucky bustard?



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