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I'm after some general info on wild boar, specifically in dept 47.

I'm not even sure if there are any in the local woods or indeed what the best habitat is for boar.

I need to know if they are a threat to people or children, although from the posts I have read it would appear that they are very nervous of people and would rather run away than put up a stand!

Any info would be gratefully received. Are they on the decline now due to hunting and habitat loss or is their population stable?

Thanks in anticipation


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The best habitat for sanglier is deciduous mixed woodland or large scattered copses for foraging and cover, in addition vineyards and maize fields are frequently visited when the crop is edible.

I understand that "47" has no shortage of sanglier and overall the population numbers have increased in recent years, partly due to the reduction in hunting over the same period. Many people don't realise it, but hunting has declined substantially over the last 10 / 15 years in France as a whole, far fewer younger people are interested in it.

Statistically it would seem that boar present few dangers, although we always come back to the fact that almost any creature will defend itself or its young when there is no alternative. I, along with many others, come across them quite frequently and have them in and around my garden without any problems.

Where they are a danger is on the roads at night, hit a boar in your car and it is a serious accident and this occurs all the time.


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We used to stay at a rural hotel east of Lyon, that kept Sanglier out the back in a huge run, for their meat.

Mostly, they were peacable, coming to the fence for food if you approached, but when there were young (mocassin?), the boars would charge the fence if you came near.

The hotel owner told me NOT to put my hands near them as a large sanglier could bite your hand clean off! I used to CHUCK food to them.[:D]


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Loads of them around here, with la chasse (happily) ineffective.

Saw our first ones a week or two back, charging across the road a few kms up the road when we were 40m or so way from them. Youngsters I reckon, but big nonetheless (say 80 kilos).

We hear them chomping away in the oak forest no more than 20m away, but have never seen one: very placid and long may it be so.  

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Sorry Chris, I didn't mean to be cheeky!

I am having my application to move to France blocked by the childrens' father and believe it or not one of his objections is wild boar in the local woods, well, that and poisenous snakes! I have got lots of  useful info on snakes from your website but I needed a little extra as regards the boar.

I think the info given has been very useful and should nip the man-eating wild boar problem in the bud!


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Hello, We live in DEPT 47, nr Duras. We have been here for 4 and a half years. We have NEVER yet seen a wildboar! We have a daughter and a small dog, and all are very safe. We have a very large garden which leads to miles of open ground and woods, the biggest thing we get (apart from the frogs and thier bloody guns) is deer.

Friends we know live in Dept 33 and 24 and they have all seen them, but only when out driving at night.

We have lots of grass snakes and have only seen 1 small viper, which all wriggled away quicker than we could walk.

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