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Dangerous Bears for Chrispp


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Chrispp, was just reading about you terrible ordeal with the police in the Legal section and thought this may be of interest.

If you look closely at the photo you can see the orange tabby cat at the bottom of the tree that frightened the poor bear to run up the tree, apparently twice in fact. [:)] 

It is amazing to think that people in the suburbs of the states can live so closely with very few problems but in the wilds of the Pyrenees there is such a negative fuss.


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Thanks for that link, I had already picked the news item from somewhere else, can't remember where now, but it was amusing and at least throws a different perspective on these dangerous animals, no fun being a bear with a cat after you. OK, it was a different type of bear to the ones in France and Europe but of a very similar nature. I certainly wouldn't be casual in my approach if I was in the presence of a bear, but then I wouldn't be casual in my approach to-wards any potentially dangerous creature(s).

Had quite an interesting one today. Where I am working at the moment the lady of the house is here for a week from the UK. In the middle of one of my regulation cups of tea, I heard her yell from the stairs which she was rapidly descending saying that the upstairs rooms were full of buzzing bees or flies, she hadn't hung around long enough to find out which. First, finished cup of tea, then made my way upstairs to find the bedrooms full of bees, assessed the situation and realised that one particular room was where the bees possibly wanted to be, then slowly and calmly opened the windows of the other rooms to let the bees out where they then joined the rest of the swarm that was entering through the roof. Local beekeeper coming this evening about 9.30 pm, hopefully he will be able to collect them but it may be tricky.




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I saw an article once recommending that you play dead rather than run if chased by Grizzly bears, that to me would take some guts as my instinct would be to flee or at least try.

Just out of interest what size do these pyranean bears grow to?

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In the pyrenées, possibly 2.50 metres, males about 300kg, females about 200kg. These are probably upper limits.

Not too sure about playing dead, I would have thought that might be asking for trouble, inviting a closer inspection and maybe a bit of poking around if you appeared to be "dead meat".



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  • 2 weeks later...
Bruno the bear who crossed the border from the Italian alps has been shot dead in the Bavarian countryside on monday.Its the first bear to have been seen in Germany for170years. After two weeks of tracking him you would have thought they could have darted the poor creature.On the mountain tracks he was giving way for hikers to pass so the report says.Had better manners than these football fans...Michael.
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