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will they never leave home?


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I have had tadpoles in my pond since april, some have turned into little frogs and gone, some have turned into newts and i see them everynow and then, but some have done nothing just floating around getting fatter and fatter, no legs nothing, its nearly july now surly they should of changed by now? Am I feeding them to much? so they want to stay? any one any ideas......................
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this is in my pond in cornwall. the last noise i heard of breeding frogs was middle may, normally they have all gone by now, but up to this year there were fish in with them so i supose they went into there bellys, but this year i have put all the fish into a new pond and left this one to the wildlife, and its incredible how many more i have had this year, some of the ones that have not changed are now the size of a 1p bit, but i do feed them on fish food which they love ,is this why they are so fat? 
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Ah Pads, now I understand, that cuts it down substantially with all three, frogs, newts and toads!!

So what you must be talking about is common toads and these will breed any time from the end of Feb to the end of June, although this can continue until the autumn.. These produce very large tadpoles and although I'm sure that they like the food they are getting, it won't make them "fat". Metamorphosis can be quite long, up to 3 months, so there you go.

Incidentally, common toad tadpoles don't suffer predation from fish as their skin is toxic, the tadpoles on the other hand are savage predators of a great number of other aquatic species.


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so the ones that ar left are the toads the newts and frogs have already developed? I have seen them eating smaller tadpoles, which i assumed where either already dead or weaker, but is this the toads eating the frogs? many thanks for your info i shall continue to watch them turn now into toads


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