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How many and what spiders?


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Hi folks, I spotted this spider on our terrace this morning. We couldn't find it in our books, so has anyone any ideas. The body is about 3/4 inch long and when I touched it with the ruler it just played dead, although it moved one of it's legs slightly....


This one was taken just after breakfast (so we don't eat early! We're retarded, sorry retired) and the back is totallt different. The spiderlets must have departed when the sun warmed them. I wonder where they went, 'cause it was only about 3 feet from the house?



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About an hour after I had taken the photo the spider was still there. It turned out that it had died, but it was still alive when I took the photo. When I turned it over the funny pattern of the spiderlettes or whatever they were was on the underside. When I took the photo it was definately of the top of the spider because of the curve of the legs. I wonder if it had been atacked by one of the wasps that feed them to the young when they hatch. It would have been too big for the wasp to do anything with. I know that they bury them with their eggs after immobilising them, but it was far too big. I moved it to a wall and I don't know what happened to it after that.

Glad to here he's still alive La Vette. What he needs is a 1/2 bottle of armagnac twice a day for 3 daze. It won't make any difference to his hand, but he just won't care!!! It works every time for me when I hit my thumb with a feather, sorry hammer (no perhapse I was right 1st time?)

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