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"they also become less tolerant and more 'moody'"

That's partially true, but it isn't the whole story. What happens is that they lose their vitality, I think that people used to say that they become drowsy when talking about common wasps, which are essentially the same in most respects. What is happening is that they are, in effect, approaching death.

This doesn't actually make them less tolerant and moody, it does however make them prone to being clumsy and uncoordinated and more likely to land on you, and it is also more likely that a person may put their hand on one, or I suppose get one down their shirt, but it is also less likely that a person will suffer from a mass attack, it's exactly the same reasons that we use young people for an active role in the military, not the elderly. Also, when they are actually in their death throws, their sting will often pulsate in and out, sometimes actually stinging each other, or themselves, fascinating to watch.

Personally, I feel quite comfortable with them, but I wouldn't encourage others to get quite as close up and personal as I do.



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[quote user="Pixietoadstool"]

 Powerdesal: I think you will find

that anaphylactic shock is really quite rare and can also happen with

wasp, bee and even ant stings: hornets should not be singled out! 

Or alternatively I suppose you could try to kill all wasps, bees

and ants on your property.

What about snakes, should they be exterminated too? 

You really need to get it in perspective, please stop the hysteria.



Not hysterical at all Pixie, just bl**dy careful, being hospitalised

unconscious after a sting sort of concentrates the mind a tad,

especially the third time !!!!!

BTW you forgot to include spiders in your list, they are venomous too, not just some but all, degree varies of course.

Anaphylactic shock is not as rare as you think either, although I've

always considered myself to be a rare ( special) person, pity others

dont feel the same [:D][:D][:D]

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We have a hornets nest in our grenier. Its a fabulous structure to behold. I went into the grenier to do some maintainance....only a few yards away from their nest....and I wasn't bothered at all. I went about my business and they went about theirs. Peace.

No need to disturb them whatsoever. (As the old saying about stirring up a hornets nest goes.)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Chris is right, leave them alone and they will leave you alone. Hornets, as opposed to wasps have a high degree of intelligence and will, if provoked organise an attack on you. Their sting is severe and can result in death to some people with medical problems. I'm pretty sure that they are also capable of multi-stinging. We also have a large nest in an old tree in our wood that now seems to be calming down. You can stand quietly nearby and watch them, with no fear of an attack, but don't take your dog with you.

When we first came to France, I will admit that I had an intense fear of hornets brought about by tales of fearful attacks and other such stuff. Reality shows that they, like most other creatures will leave you alone if you leave them alone.

As I get older I find myself dispairing more and more of the 'oh, I don't like that, lets kill it' mentality. what arrogance some people have in regard to other creatures that live on this planet with us.

That's me done, hard-hat on, waiting for the incoming...........................................

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"Kill all hornets" Rant, Rave!.


Seriously, I agree with you. I am TERRIFIED of snakes, but once helped a French boy on a campsite rescue one that had got stuck in a sink trap.

Then I had to lie down for an hour...........

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[quote user="Chris Head"]Heat applied quickly to the sting reduces the effect of the venom. The back of a teaspoon run under very hot water or placed in boiling water for a second then immediately pressed onto the sting is effective....if you don't mind a wee bit of additional pain![/quote]

I guess if I stick a burning poker in my eye that'll make me forget the sting as well. [:D]

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