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In my roof


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For the last two days I have heard something that sound like  tiny baby cats somewhere in my roof area.

I just can't pinpoint it. My cats have noticed it too.  It doesn't disturb me if its baby somethings; but it also sounds a bit like something in distress. That is worrying me. Any ideas please. 

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It could be cats - we have heard similar noises, but now we think it is either glis-glis or martens. We have had stained ceilings, something giving birth inside a duvet (nasty) and c**p on the bedroom floors.

There have been numerous threads on this, but I don't know how you will find them...

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I think Dick may be on the right track, it may well be cat(s) and / or kittens.

Fouine can "mew", but not normally at this time of year and it is completely the wrong time of year for them to have young, but stranger things have happened.

Loir? Well, fair to say that they haven't bedded down yet for the winter, but they are not normally vocal as late as this, I haven't heard any being "vocal" for a good 6 weeks and it's not really a cat like sound in my opinion.


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I have discovered what it is, and I feel so silly. A friend came around to listen and confirmed there was a noise. We couldn't find where though.  I went around to my friends over a mile away for a cup of tea and I heard the wretched noise there, so did he. It was definatley coming from;;;;;;;my slipper!!!!!!

There must be a tiny airhole in them, that makes a noise like tiny mewing. I only bought them two days ago and apart from sleeping I have gone everywhere in them. Hence hearing the noise at my friends house.

Do I feel silly or what, though it's much better than finding a group of tiny kittens in my grenier.

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Slippers, now why didn't I think of that.[:D]

Only the other week I was out looking for indications of the presence of slippers in an old quarry where someone thought that they had seen some, although that weren't too sure due to poor visibility and possible confusion with trainers......

Pleased you've got it sorted,


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Chris, the problem you had looking for 'slipperi squeekium' to give them their real name, was due to their camouflage, the tartan effect goes well with dry grasses found near quarries at this time of year. The plain coloured ones tend to be able to blend in, perhaps some type of chemical imbalance? Send in your pointer and he will sniff em out ?

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[:D]  [:D]  [:D]

Don't be put of, mooky, it's easily done, I spent about an hour once, many moons ago, crawling round my bedroom trying to find an "intermittent peep", only to eventually trace in the bottom of a box........an old smoke detector with it's battery running down.


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Thank you Chris. I am glad it isn't kittens because I would have felt obliged to take them to the vets to be sterilized before they went from my house. I've done this already with feral cats. Responsible I know, but expensive. My six month old kitties have been done much to the dismay of my neighbours who think it's cruel.

 Changing subject. I noticed today  Bee orchid plants peeping through the ground near me. I think there will be a good show next year.

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Changing subject. I noticed today  Bee orchid plants peeping through the ground near me. I think there will be a good show next year.

It does look that way, and next year when they "arrive" I think it will be particularly poignant for me as I was looking at some a couple of weeks ago with a mate, someone who I have spent time with on bird and otter trips, and who suddenly died earlier this week. It's always a salutary reminder that it's life that counts.

Good luck and best wishes, Chris


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[quote user="mooky"] I only bought them two days ago and apart from sleeping I have gone everywhere in them.[/quote]

LOL, you are now nearly integrated, Mooky! You just need some real critters scrabbling in your walls/roof space to complete the process.

Chris, I'm very sorry to hear about the death of your friend.

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