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Something strange is happening with Birds at the moment!


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Silly title I know. But to follow on what I was just saying in the gardening section, something very strange is happening at this very moment. I wish I could record the sound for Chrispp to hear it. I was typing a post and heard a very loud strange screeching sound, I rushed down to let my little dog in because I was worried about him being outside. I heard also other strange bird calls then I came back upstairs and heard them again very loudly. I opened the window and two huge brown birds flew right above me. Then I heard the loud screeching again in our roof space above our stairs that is an old pigeonnier just now.

We have had baby owls nest there before so I do know they screech but this was much louder. Our resident adult owl hoots quite regularly. What do you think is happening and what sort of birds these are that are suddenly descending upon me! [:-))]

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Thanks Cassis, but it sounds now perhaps like it could be mating calls, I don't know. But I don't feel as if any birds are being attacked. As I am typing this the very slow loud screeching is taking place above the stairs!

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[quote user="chris pp"]

What time of day was it, what was the weather like and how high were the two birds? Oh, and where are you? (have I asked before?).



Oh come on Chris, that's the worst chat-up line I've ever heard..................[:D][:D]

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Now's about right for Barn owls, maybe a tad early, but they start to pair from around now, often have their young as early as March.  The owl that's hooting "out there somewhere" is probably a Tawny owl, same sort of thing, staking territory and calling for a mate.

I suspect that the birds that you saw were unrelated to the sounds.

Of topic, but I've been watching a house sparrow making a nest this week, mild weather syndrome.



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Thanks Chris. It has suddenly quieted down. Must admit it was a bit unnerving. I somehow think the two birds I saw were part of it. Because there was a lot of screeching just outside the window and when I opened it they flew by. It is pitch dark but because of the light shining out through the window I did get a glance at them and they were large and brown. As I said before there was another sound being made in several places around me as well in addition to the strange loud screeching.

It is amazing about the house sparrow, just hope it can survive if it does turn cold.

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If it was dark at the time, it wasn't barn owls that you saw fly past, they don't look brown, even in the dark they will appear light in colour. May have been a slight issue over territory, maybe one Tawny chasing another one away, but they don't screech, Barn owls screech.


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