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Yes, we did see one.

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Went down to the St.Malo port today to see if the Megayacht, My Little Violet, was still tied up, but it had sailed on. Also the St Nazaire fishing fleet had also gone.They came in a couple of days ago to avoid some bad weather. Apart from quite a few sprats stuck on various fenders and lips on the boats, they must have brought another visitor with them.. We watched a cormorant doing his usual fishing and noticed shoals of small fish against the wall,we thought we were watching another cormorant but when it broke the surface it was a PENGUIN. Absolutely no doubt and we had not had a drink. We watched it surface about 4 times then it just disappeared under the pontoons. It was about 40-50 cms long , as we aren't authorities on penguins not sure what type it was. Annoyingly enough there wasn't another sole[ human ] about, so we couldn't even point it out to anyone else. These things always happen when the camera is at home.

Told you St.Malo was an intersting place.

The Megayachts can be seen on   www.yachtspotters.com


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Chris of Planet Passion. Still hoping we are correct. We did get all the books out when we got home and looked up the Razorbill. We still think we saw a small penguin. We watched it swimming underwater for some time and it definately didn't seem to have wings ,folded back or otherwise. It stayed underwater for ages,surfacing for a few seconds before going down again.We stayed for some time and didn't see it fly or get on any support. Looking at the shape of the head and beak we still think we saw a Penguin  and are hoping that someone else sees it as well. However ,we have been known to be wrong,often,and thanks for your input.

We do have lots of lizards out sunning thermselves at the moment and quite a few birds in various boxes.Considering we have about 20 boxes of various shapes and sizes dotted about ,one robin has decided to make a nest between two large paint tins on a shelf  by our container. Puts the painting on hold for a while.


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