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When to stop feeding wild birds ?

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Now the weather is more Spring-like, is it time  to stop feeding our wild bird collection that we have aquired  through the Winter?

 I understand that the seeds that  they collect to take away to their nests, could choke their chicks if they are too large for them! Would be pleased to get the facts!

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Almost all birds feed their young with insects, grubs and caterpillars, not with seeds and nuts, and those that don't, feed their young on meat of one form or another.

I know that there is some argument about young birds being feed with items from a bird table or feeder, but personally I just can't see it happening, what is more of an issue is that feeding birds brings them together in larger numbers in close proximity which encourages the spreed of disease.

Anyway, there is no reason why you shouldn't stop feeding birds in your garden now, this year in particular there is plenty of natural food available and has been all winter.


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