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Relocating Snakes?

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We caught quite a big Grass Snake in the garden two days ago, which I caught and re-located about a quarter of a mile away near a stream. I respect snakes but hate the thought of them snacking on our lizards. We have no pool or stream to attract them to our garden, and we live completely isolated. Can anyone tell me whether snakes have a 'homing' instict' and am I wasting my time moving them?


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Hi Jude,

We have a couple of huge grass snakes in the garden. They seem to exist on snails, judging by the number of empty shells we find. Shouldn't be a problem moving them, I doubt that they'll find their way back.

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I rather suspect that if the stream was the nearest source of water you probably took it back to where it was primarily resident, thing is at this time of year the breeding urge kicks in and it may have been looking for a member of the opposite sex, anyway a quarter of a mile isn't very far for a snake to travel.

So it may eat a few lizards but that's life, everythings eating something else.[:D]


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Oh well if it comes back again I may have to get serious and drive it somewhere. Only problem will be if it escapes in the car and goes up my husband's trouser leg! His snake phobia is as bad as my spider phobia. Hopefully Mr or Mrs Snake will find a mate down by the stream and not resort to coming back to our wood pile.


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