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Bee advice in 47

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Does anyone know of anyone in the 47 region, close to Fumel, who would remove bees?  

In the last two a days, a 'swarm' of bees has appeared in a tree very close to our house and we are not happy to let it stay there.  I am not sure if they are thinking of staying there and building a nest or resting up whilst finding somewhere else to build a nest but either way I don't want them living in or around the house.  They are about 10 feet from our back patio and only about 8 feet above the ground so are currently easy to get to.

If anyone can recommend anyone who might be able to come and remove the said visitors, I'd be grateful!!

Many thanks,


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We had the same visitors last year, in a conifer just outside our house. We looked in the yellow pages and rang around a few local bee keepers (apiculteur, I think). One came and left a little house next to them overnight on a stepladder and came to take them away the following day. He was very happy. So were we!


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I agree.  Our Marie has the local bee keepers name and telephone number on a notice board, or again your local beekeeper who should be happy to help.  Look for honey for sale signs! ...  there are lots on the Lot.

We had a very large nest in our Fig tree last year, but they did not stay for long, they left as quick as they came.

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HI there,

Thanks for all your advice.  I popped to our local market this morning and talked to the apiculteur there who took my details.  Within 3 hours a fellow beekeeper of hers had turned up at our house to collect the said bees.  Unfortunately my son and I had watched them swarm and fly away up the hill only 15 minutes earlier so he just missed them.  I didn't mind either way, I just didn't really want them in the tree just outside our house.

I love living in the countryside but of course you have to deal with the wildlife moving into or too near to your home!!  What with lerot in the porch, carpenter ants in the barn, black redstarts nesting in our boiler room and now bees!...  Still, wouldn't be anywhere else!

Thanks again,


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