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chickens and snakes

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My neighbour recently told me that if you have chickens running free you won't see snakes, great I think as I walk on down to the chicken house the same day, think what's that bowl doing here in the chicken house I'll take it back to the house, nearly die on the spot as a large snake looks at me for disturbing his sleep!  The moral don't believe old French wives tales when regaled by your friendly neighbour!  The snake just slithered away,  no idea what it was, hopefully a grass snake the chickens didn't even bat an eyelid. 

Saw my neighbour agin today and told him what happened, they must be english chickens he says and not used to snakes\z\! 

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I heard the same, I guess it applies to young snakes and their eggs?  Can't see a chicken taking on a big ish snake?  My chickens have caught plenty of mice and lizards.  Its funny watching them run round the garden with a tail hanging out of their beak and the other chickens chasing after for a bit of the catch - no chance!!

and to think my mother told me chickens were vegetarian!  Apparently the Goose is the only vegetarian amongst the poultry commonly kept. 

Also have you noticed how like the Jurassic Park dinosaurs the chickens are?  I guess the film makers used the chicken as a model?

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ours are a bit of a nightmare at the moment as they really are free range, in our last house they were confined to a very large apddock, here we have no fences and you can't turn your back or one will be on your bed!    They do move like dinosaurs, the scene from Jurrassic park in the kitchen with veloceraptors is what mine look like when they leapt on to the table in the middle of a barbeque!


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Interestingly enough chickens will have a go at all sorts of creatures and will kill snakes up to a couple of metres in length, peck, peck peck. But of course you will still have snakes in the same environment as chickens, they don't get them all.[:D]


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