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Springtime things

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Isn't it lovely to see all the springtime things happening.  I was out watching all the bees today, there were ordinary honey bees with big yellow cushions of pollen on their legs, some bumble bees and this chappie whom I have either never seen before or never noticed.  Is he a carpenter bee or is he even a bee?  He was certainly behaving just like one going from flower to flower in the same way.  I just love his beautiful blue wings. 

Sorry the pics are not so smart but I haven't yet got the trick of getting good close ups especially when the subjects are moving a bit fast[:-))].



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Yes Anne, it is a carpenter bee  Xylocopa violacea, quite spectacular aren't they? Carpenter bees, Mason bees and other solitary bees are usually the first to emerge in spring, great as early fruit tree pollinators.

The great spring rush is on it's way again and as usual I haven't finished the winter jobs.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry can't provide a photo but I had a lovely walk in the woods this pm and saw celandines, gorse and lots of purplish pink comfrey.Where we lived before the comfrey was yellow. Streams full due to recent rains. Even a few birds, I think robins. We are in a very flat prairie  area which is used for mainly maizeand wheat and few hedgerows. There is a distinct absence of birdlife, unless you go up into the bordering wooded hills. Looking out for more signs. Pat. ps just remembered - what is this thorny bush which is now covered with coral pink waxy blossoms, no perfume.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a lovely photo Meagn.

We are just coming into orchid time here and when we had a walk by Lake Cavelier this morning we saw loads of these....


Early Spider Orchids we think, there are so many very similar ones. Last spring the bank at the back of the barrage where this is was covered with 1000s of loads of different types and it looked wonderful. I am waiting for them to appear again and I will get some photos.. We are also waiting for the display of wild orchids in our garden too. The yellow ophrys and the plough-share serapias are all over the place. Fantastic!!!

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[quote user="Panda Bear"]What is the significance of the grass?  I heard one today too and was standing on concrete, is that bad?[/quote]

When I was a child (back in the Dark Ages) we always said that it was good luck to be standing on grass when you heard the first cuckoo of the spring.  Don't remember any rules about concrete - it's probably just sort of neutral.[:P][:D]

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Ok, then my first sighting of a cuckoo in the garden today was whilst I was standing on grass, I'm hoping that counts as a first (ignoring the fact I heard one yesterday) and waiting for the euromillions draw on friday to confirm my new found good luck.
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Well I'm not sure about this one, but I hard my first Hoophoe the other morning when I was stood on my head in a big hole connecting our new loo to the 4 1/4 inch foul drain. Doe that count for good luck [8-)]? Well they do sound a bit like a cuckoo, but not such an nice song, more like a hoop,hoop,hoop    hoop,hoop,hoop![:$]
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OK, well in those days (my childhood in the Dark Ages) I lived on the Isle of Man.  Perhaps it was a local thing, like the Faery Bridge and the fearful Black Dog and so on.[8-)]

Good luck for the euromillions, I was looking for something a little more modest like my OH being in the mood to mow the lawn sometime this week[:P].

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[quote user="Megan le Fey"][:D] I just heard my first cuckoo of the year (and I was standing on grass).[/quote]

You just made my day. I was going to ask that question: "Have you heard the Cuckoo yet?". Can't wait to get to France over Easter and hear him!

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  • 4 weeks later...
[quote user="Jonzjob"]

What a lovely photo Meagn.

We are just coming into orchid time here and when we had a walk by Lake Cavelier this morning we saw loads of these....


Early Spider Orchids we think, there are so many very similar ones. Last spring the bank at the back of the barrage where this is was covered with 1000s of loads of different types and it looked wonderful. I am waiting for them to appear again and I will get some photos.. We are also waiting for the display of wild orchids in our garden too. The yellow ophrys and the plough-share serapias are all over the place. Fantastic!!!


Ever since you posted your lovely pic of the orchid Jonzjob I have been looking to see when the ones in the field near us would be out.  They are finally here,  I think that they are some sort of Serapias but I am not sure which.  I didn't pick the first one (I wouldn't do that), Utopie stepped on it before I could stop her so I didn't want to waste it.



There were very few last year but this year there are quite a lot.  It's just lovely to see the pretty things.[:)]

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The serapias are lovely and so unusual... We get a lot of serpias vomeracea or plough share serapias in our garden. The yellow ophrys have just started to appear too.

A couple of days back we went for a walk on the gaurigue close to here and saw the most wonderful display of orchids I have ever seen. Here are a couple. I think this is a lady orchid?


I have no idea as to what this is, apart from lovely even if it is bit thin.



What a wonderful time of the year this is![:D]

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Hi Chris, it certainly looks there or there abouts doesn't it? The only anacamptis we have in our 'Field Guide to Orchids of Britain and Europe' is the pyramidalis or pyramidal orchid. Once again lovely, but totally different. Well spotted and thank you!!

Do you recon the other is a lady orchid? It certainly looks like it to us..

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Yup, reckon it is, John, Orchis purpurea (Orchis poupre, Orchis casque, Orchis brun - all French names for it).

I've nicked a copy of anacamptis morio picta for my site.[:D]

Coming down to the Pyrenees Friday for 4 days with a small group, not near you though.


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You are welcome Chris...

Have a good trip to the pair-a-knees. Yeterday there still looked to be a fair amount of snow on the high bits!! It seems amazing that we can see them from here, they are about 100 miles away!!! Storms over that way today...

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