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An inconvenient Truth

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[quote user="Paysages de France"] I'm not particularly happy about the fact that there are radars on the roads but I  know that it is the only way to save lives.[/quote]

Sorry Paysages, but your above quote makes it obvious that you either haven't READ my post, or haven't understood it. Speed cameras are a MEANS to save SOME lives in SOME situations. They are certainly NOT and never will be the "only" way. The very FACT, (as admitted by ACPO) that in some locations, accident rates have gone UP shows that speed cameras aren't all they are cracked up to be.

I thoroughly agree with Bugbear on this one: how can a speed camera catch poor drivers UNLESS they are speeding? Answers on a postcard to "Transport 2000".....

And while more and more cameras ARE replacing more and more traffic cops, the carnage will go on.
[quote user="Paysages de France"]
 Individually, you have only the power to waffle on and on, on internet forums, which is why I (as well as promoting the landscape protection  cause here) belong to an association agreed to act in justice and which achieves positive  results all over France.

Somewhat smug, Paysages. Just what IS this mysterious association? Does it have a handshake?[:D]

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[quote user="Benjamin"]Bugbear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop encouraging PdF. These sort of posters just looooove confrontational posting.

And as for waffling, whilst I haven't read all your posts PdF I don't think you've included one provable statistic in all of your rantings.


Sorry Benjamin, while I was typing MY reply, you posted that. Now I've wound him/her up again.

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You are, of course, right Benjamin....................[:D]

PdF, when you see my bull-bar in your mirrors, just pull over, I'm comin' through


Oh look, it hasn't rolled over..................................................[:D][:D][:D][:D]

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[quote user="Paysages de France"]

................... which is why I (as well as promoting the landscape protection  cause here) belong to an association agreed to act in justice and which achieves positive  results all over France.

What are you on about, please explain.

But only, as FA says, if it doesn't involve rolling one trouser leg up and wearing an apron.[:D]

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P de F,

SUVs turn over, well yes some do when driven badly, so do other cars when driven badly.

I have driven 4 x 4s for many years, I have competed in them  off road,  I have driven across desert terrain that would make your hair curl... but I've never turned one over. I have however managed to roll a nice little 2CV, on a country lane!!!!!

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I am a local correspondant  for the national association Paysages de Fance that is agreed to act in justice........(link deleted by moderating team)

This association was created in 1992  and  is essentially devoted to removing illegally installed publicity hoardings and signs

 Over 5000 signs and hoardings have been taken down in the past few years after the asso's intervention . (see the site for photos of recent removal of a giant Leclerc sign 15 high by 12 m long over 8 pylons- in Montauban due to the intervention of the local group I am heading)

       We also campaign against the invasion of natural spaces by motorised recreational vehicles such as 4x4's and Quads.

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[quote user="Paysages de France"]I am a local correspondant  for the national association Paysages de Fance that is agreed to act in justice........(link deleted by moderating team)
This association was created in 1992  and  is essentially devoted to removing illegally installed publicity hoardings and signs
 Over 5000 signs and hoardings have been taken down in the past few years after the asso's intervention . (see the site for photos of recent removal of a giant Leclerc sign 15 high by 12 m long over 8 pylons- in Montauban due to the intervention of the local group I am heading)
       We also campaign against the invasion of natural spaces by motorised recreational vehicles such as 4x4's and Quads.

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Now I understand, but why all the long sentences ? Why not simply say that you are a 'Rambler'..........[:D]

Where do you all get those Red Socks from ?

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[quote user="Paysages de France"]Sorry, I don't understand  the reference to 'rambler' or 'red socks' ........ as for long sentences: I still have the habit of reading books (remember them?) in french and english so I'm not afraid of reading a few words strung together or indeed, writing them.

But please remember the limerick:

There was ayoung man from Japan,

Whose limericks never quite "ran".

When asked why this was,

He answered, "Because,

"I always try to get as many words into the last line as I possibly can"


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