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PLEASE, everyone. I HATE them, they are the only creature on God's earth of which I am truly afraid, (as against respect).

All this snakey posting gave me a nightmare last night. The wife was NOT amused when I leapt out of bed shouting that there was a snake in the room.

And we're off to the house tomorrow, so  I REALLY don't want to hear any more snake posts.

And don't bother saying don't read 'em, I HAVE to, you see........[blink]

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If I can get over my fear of slugs, (nearly as long as a small snake, here) you too, FA, can get over your fear of snakies.

Why not take Chris up on his offer?. He wasn't able to help Katie with her baked bean phobia, but I'm sure he'll do his best for you.


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I am really sorry to hear that you are terrified of snakes.  It can be awful - I used to be like that about them and then I ended up living in Singapore of all the snakey places[:P].  A friend of my husband who was a bit of an amateur  herpetologist got sick & tired of me looking under cushions and behind the curtains, etc.all the time and decided to do something about it.  He kitted me out in jungle boots and took my by the ear (well, almost) and off to the nearest mangrove swamp looking for snakes.  Well, after looking everywhere, especially in trees (I expected them to be hanging from branches just waiting for a passing person to bite[8-)]) and under fallen logs and so forth, we found not one.  Finally we found a so called "deadly poisonous bootlace snake".  I shrieked and turned to run whilst Ray just picked the thing up, catching me with his other hand.  He showed me it's mouth.  Poor little thing,  it's mouth was so small that you would have had to shove your little fingertip in it's mouth for it to get a grip and then you would probably break it's jaws. It would be absolutely impossible for this tiny thing with it's huge reputation to bite anything much bigger than a worm. He then made me a gift of a beautiful, jewel-like little snake who we called Red Fred.  He was (I think) a kukri and his glorious red colouring mimicked the poisonous coral snake.  Now, after  many years spent in places like Singapore,  Kenya and South Africa I do actually like snakes,  they are beautiful, elegant and quite interesting and I am always happy if I find one in the garden.  Of course,  I have had to be careful in snakey areas to keep an eye on the dogs but usually the snake will clear off as quick as they can.
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While I have no problem about snakes, I do sympathise as I have an intense loathing for another creature, one that seems to have far more legs than would seem stictly necessary, bit of a drawback as they are far more common than snakes and the fact that they catch flies holds no water with me.

Hey, if it were rational then it wouldn't be a phobia.

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[quote user="Tresco"]

If I can get over my fear of slugs, (nearly as long as a small snake, here) you too, FA, can get over your fear of snakies.


I'm glad we don't have any of those on the veg patch. Kak coloured slugs only get to 10 cms (and love strawberries) whereas the smallest snake I have seen is around 30 cms. Luckily the 1m variety run away when they see me - who is more scared ?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Megan,

I too was unfortunate enough to have had to spend 2 1/2 years in Singapore whilst serving for my country, hell but someone has to do it[8-|].

Those tiny little bootlace snakes don't go for anything that's too big for them, when you put your hand in the water they go for the bit between your fingers at the base. They can get hold of that. Same with bare feet, they go for the skin between your toes!! Crafty little sods aren't they. They can't eat you, but they will make you somewhere between very poorley and dead if they do bite!!!

I also agree that anything with more than 8 legs is overdoing it a bit?

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Right on Puzz! Next time use the correct facilities. If there is no urinal then the correct procedure is to instal one. Don't come up with this carp (sorry no pun intended) that there are no urinals in the Amazon it just won't wash[:-))]!
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