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What is this?

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No picture I'm afraid though I did get a glimpse of it.

One night a few weeks ago we heard this strange noise coming from the garage; the only way I can describe it is that it was like somebody twanging a string, repeated every couple of seconds. The following night I got my torch and briefly saw a small face, rodentish, peering out from under a tile. Nothing more then until last night when I heard the noise again, this time coming from a hedge. I thought it might be a bat but the hedge rather belies that.

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The garden is already full of uninvited guests; so as long as he stays there.

Thinking about it, I suppose you could argue that we are the uninvited guests in the French countryside.

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There seem to be a lot or loir and mice about this year and they have come indoors at a very odd time. Local farmers have been commenting too. I suppose the wet wet wet summer means they have to find fresh nesting sites.

I had a lovely little grey furry thing next to my bed last night and really didn't have the heart to club it with the knobkerrie I keep in case of bigger visitors. S/he understood perfectly, wrinkled the old whiskers and withdrew discreetly, leaving a small souvenir.

You can also tell if it is loir because they talk a lot and have lovely furry tails.

Anybody ever eaten one? They were considered a delicacy at one time. Must be some part of France that has an appellation controlée on loir paté or smoked loir or even roast loir with chestnuts. Come to think of it.

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