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New Ugly Road Sign

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I wonder if anyone can advise me on the following problem, two workmen have marked the edge of the road directly outside my house so they can put up a new road sign for a new roundabout.  I have asked them to move it further down opposite an existing road sign but they have said they must put it outside my house.  This, they say is because it is exacly 50m and they cannot legally move it even 5 more metres.  I have to ask what rights I have as they will be digging into my grounds albeit neighbouring the road and not the road itself.  What is the law on where the property ends and the public road begins?

This sign will affect the look of the house which is over 300 years old and has an ancient low dry stone wall. I cannot believe they want to ruin the appearance for the sake of a few metres.  Putting a roundabout on the road is also questionable as it has about 5 cars a day.  The Conseil looking to spend its funds??

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I understood that the verge is council land, I assume they are erecting the sign on the verge?  We were told to keep trees etc a good 3 meteres back from the road side as this is not our land.  In this circumstnace I don't think you can claim it as being erected on your land or have I misunderstood?
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