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Anyone know what this is?

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""& Chris, why the hope?""

Errr, I was trying to sound as though I could be wrong?  Or I was having an insecure moment? Or I was a bit rushed and trying to make the post just a little bit longer?

Anyway, the "eyes" are at the front end and you are correct to assume that it's a defense mechanism as it inflates that part of its anatomy when disturbed to try and appear more threatening.

Lucky you anyway, the moth is very attractive, John (Jon) put a photo of one on here not so long ago.


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From what I have read and seen Chris it gets it's name from the caterpillar. When it's at ease, not threatened, it has a probiscus similar to an elephant's trunk, but when it feels threatened it draws it's 'trunk' back into it's head and forms that 'big eyed look', as Chris said, to make it's self look more threatening. The moths are beautiful, brown and pink stripes.

I will never get used to just how wonderful the insect life is down here.

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