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Am beginning to get the hump with them.

We see plenty around on twilight evenings when outside in the summer.  However, about a week ago, when sitting at this very keyboard, I became aware of the cats going bonkers about something flying around the lounge.  A bat: maybe a pipistrelle, I don't know.

Left it be for the night and the following morning I found him / her hanging on the wall. Cardboard box and another flat bit of cardboard as a scoop and ........... in he / she went.  Squeaked like hell, but outside to 'cool off' and after 10 mins off it went (flying that is).

Tonight, OH came in to the kitchen just as I was about to serve my cordon bleu creation, only to announce that "There's a bat in the bedroom".  Left it be, and I think that it found it's way out via the upstairs (where I left the windows open). Smaller this time - the 1st was as big as my fist, but same species.

The only realistic way in would be down the chimney in to the lounge.  Now long term, the answer is mesh around the chimney pot, but maybe lighting a gentle fire to smoke any inhabitants out would be the best solution?  Before anybody RSPCA's me, I don't want to hurt these guys, but OH is somewhat less than enthusiastic and I just want to discourage rather than hurt them.  Any thoughts?    

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Our friends have found bats in their barn.  They would not be worried, but they are roosting above the car parking space, and also the potato storage space, and their droppings are covering both car and potatoes.  They are also worried about urine damage to the car and potatoes.

They have asked me if bats are protected in France, or if it allowed to move them to another roosting area.

I said that I did not know the answer, but I would ask on this forum.

Can anyone advise if bats are protected in France (I know they are protected in UK), and if it is allowed to move them.  If it is allowed to move them, what would be the best method without harming them?

Many thanks,


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