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Owls in my chimney!


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When we started to repair our chimney we discovered that it was home sweet home for two large barn owls!

During all the noisy repairs they sat tight. Now we need to install a chimney liner and block off the opening..unfortunately the owls will have to find themselves another roost. We have asked them very politely to leave but they are sitting tight..in fact, during the daylight hours they seem to be comatose! As there is NO WAY any of us is climbling out onto that roof at night to block off  the opening...what can we do to get them to leave?????Any ideas very gratefully received!! ( obviously NOTHING that will harm these beautiful birds in any way whatsoever!)

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Can you build them a box in an out building maybe ? and then move them while in the comatosed state [8-)] In england you would not be allowed to move them I dont think, so you may need to check and see if your allowed to distrub them . 
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Somehow you need to rehouse them..but not so easy!!

Maybe you need to contact the Wildlife Trust or Barn Owl Society in UK for advice...can't do better than that!!

In reality- lucky you...

I now need to sort out what to do with my protected Fouine!!!![:-))]

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Hi Chris! I'm in the northern borderlands of Mayenne, near GORRON...(.East of FOUGERES which is  Brittany!) West of DOMFRONT which is Normandy!!!) These owls as too far down the chimney to reach ie it would be impossible to lift them out.....It's a huge chimney with several compartments...they roost in the one under which we light no fires but are obviously enjoying the warmth from the flue which currently carries the smoke and heat from our woodburner! Clever old owls!

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