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Planete Passion - now an Association

chris pp

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I've posted this elsewhere, some of you may have seen it.

Association Planete Passion under loi 1901 (a not for profit association) has been “born”. It has been created to supplement and extend many of the activities that I and others have already been involved with within a legal framework.

Although in principle it is to provide an English language service in France, it is by no means isolationist and every effort will be made in the future to continue to work and integrate with French Associations of a similar type. We will aim to extend the information services that I already provide with the addition of several useful people of various Nationalities that are now on board, some of whom are well known and highly respected in their individual fields of expertise. Also there will be field trips, educational lectures and talks and for those for whom it is possible we will be opening our land for people to see some of the ideas and principles that we have in place here for total biodiversity and conservation. For the time being members that wish to visit will need to make prior arrangements. It is also planned to have a Wildlife Information Centre “on site”.

Habitat management information will be a priority.

The web site (planetepassion) will be having a “going over” and there will be a secure members area where people can make contact with others in their own areas, discuss wildlife issues and topics, share observations, post photos etc. This will develop when it becomes clearer what the members require.

We will aim to produce a regular e-mail newsletter and hopefully in the future something better, maybe a magazine.

Membership forms are available on the website.


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Thanks Tresco.[:D] Without meaning to be big headed I can say with total certainty that my commitment is 100% and there is clearly a need for a wildlife service for France in the English language, there isn't a day that goes by without me responding to telephone calls, e-mails, messages left on the web site and of course the Brit forum sites, so it's time to take things forward.

Perhaps I should make it clear that I would like this to become a Nationwide network, and I should also make it clear that I'm not on the Conseil d'Administration, we have a President, a Treasurer and a Secretary, my role is to run the day to day affairs, management and coordination. It's very much a case of "suck it and see", we have some good people giving their support, time and money, their commitment ain't bad either.[;-)] If we can get a good membership base we can start looking at getting some State money in some form or another, plus a bit of corporate sponsorship help.

Thanks again, Chris x

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Just had a look at the site and will be printing off form as soon as I get up, will they let me know they have received it ok ? by newsletter /email?

Will there be different parts of france covered? as id love to learn about whats in my area. Do you want pics of wildlife that I take while on my foray's in to the undergrowth? How can we help in other ways ? reporting what has been spotted and where ect.

Good luck with it all [:)]

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Pads, everyone will receive confirmation of their membership with their membership number and probably a membership card as soon as we have the design and logo sorted out.

The aim, as always, is to provide information about all of France. The secure area, (members only),on the website will provide, as I posted above, a place for people to exchange information / observations, make contact with like minded people in their own region, post photos, ask questions etc. Hopefully this will expand into a "network", but it's really down to what the members want at the end of the day. Some people will no doubt be happy just giving their support and receiving a newsletter, others will want much more.

I / We always require photos and observations, it's really useful and gives a picture of what's happening at any given moment elsewhere.

Any more questions?


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Well all I  have to say Chris is congratulations!!![:D]

I am printing the form off now and will be proud to help in any way I can. I say 'I' but that is both Frances and me. You have helped me enough times for it to be my turn!

Good luck Chris.

Edit :- You could always have a bit of a competition for a logo. Just give a few likes and dislikes peut etra?

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Thanks mate, hopefully you will be happy with what you get in return, I / we will do our best, can't do more than that.

I had a chat with an organic cereal farmer I know today who will be supplying us with bulk organic sunflower seeds in our own packets, to sell for bird feeders, it's an old variety which is larger and more nutritious, no longer grown by the "chemical farmers". We will also be importing peanuts in bulk , to package and resell for birds. Both of these projects may take a while to actually set in motion. Truth is, there's so much going on that I'm struggling to keep up.[:D]

The logo idea is interesting, but I'm going to have to say "wait and see" as we have someone who has volunteered their services and is working on some ideas right now.


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