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Can Marten Swim

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We were sat in the glorous sunshine we had yesterday watching our dogs investigating around the banks of the lake when we noticed something swimming across the lake, it climbed one of the poles of the duck enclosure and disappeared.  From what we could see at a distance with the naked eye it was too small to be a rangodin and too big to be a rat or water vole so think it must have been a marten or something like that but not sure if they can swim.



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Oh dear, as we are surrounded by forests I think we will always have this problem so it looks like we will have to re-instate the electric fence the previous owners had put up because they were duck breeders, we still have all the fencing in place just a matter of reconnecting the electric and clearing around the bottom of the fence.


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[quote user="Limousin Lass"]Thank you all for your replies.  If it was a marten of some form is it dangerous to the ducks, geese and chickens that we have, I know they will steal the eggs but will they harm the fowl?[/quote]

They killed 6 of my 7 chickens a few weeks ago, my fault left the door open at night. They are crafty little chaps, just one mistake and they are in.

If you think you have them then you need a fully enclosed chicken shed for the night time and lock them away at dusk. Make sure there is no way they can get in via holes etc.

And yes they do swim.

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To be honest I never even knew what one was before. I am sure we must of been told about them at school in the UK but it was soooooo long ago.

Basically my neighbour and the way they had been attacked and the lack of other animals in our area, like we just don't have fox's down here. There are big(ish) wild cats of the Lynx family apparently but they wont cross the rive, I have no idea why.

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