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Black Hornet?


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Now being a hornetphobe, when this huge black thing flew in I was pretty sure it was not a hornet - but apart from its colour looked like one.

Full hornet size if not bigger, one pair of wings. Its body looked like it was covered with black scales and the wings were almost purple but that could have been the sheen.

Round bottom with no visible sting. Instead of killing it I let it out. I wanted to capture it to photograph it but John being sensible made me let it out.

It was far more beautiful than a hornet being mat black and def. not one of our many carpenter bees who are round and purple. We ignore those and they ignore us when we duck.

It did not have a white face which is the only type I can find on the net.

Thanks from a very windy hill.

Yes this is Di and not HIM.

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I'm quite relieved to hear that Chris as I'm sure I saw one of these enter the roof of my house through a knot hole in the soffet a few couple of days ago. I didn't see it closely enough to discern colours, other than it looked completely black in flight, but dimension wise it fits and if it is fairly unique in France then I'm pretty sure that is what it was.

I think I'll still do a loft inspection in the near future, I have to go up there to do some electrical work soon anyway.

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Beautiful bees they are - please don't kill them [:'(]

We call them Triple Bees for Big Black Bees - they're much more common than Bumble Bees in our neck of the woods and I expect elsewhere also.

There is no mistaking a hornet - think of a wasp, enlarge it 3 or 4 times add a very low powerful buzz and you probably have one - but they ain't black, Ok except in South America!!

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We are a carpenter bee area and I know them well - this was totally different being slimmer and not hairy - you can see how close I get to carpenter bees who have already found our new abri.

No, this was dull. Thicker than a wasp and chunky/large like a hornet (normal ones). No obvious sting. I wonder if it was a mimic of some sort as we get hover flies that mimic hornets (which no-one is allowed to kill if I am around). We are also in the middle of the Asiatic Hornet area but we have so many hornets a few tens of thousand more will not make much difference. Buy an Aspivenin from the chemist if you are as remote as us - we have used them and they work till you get to hospital. Also remember - they are not as vicious as wasps and here nothing is a vicious as the ruddy ants.

We are 1500 feet up so get some interesting bits of nature flying in. The best was a Stork who was well and truly lost.

Ah well, the mystery continues. Next time I will put a glass over it and take a photo.

By the way, the old UK Farmers method of getting rid of paper nests in trees was a large stick, some cloth and paraffin - do it at dusk, wear protective clothing and make sure the tree is isolated as that will probably go up as well. Oh and wear your Nikes.

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