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Waiter! There's a hare in my....

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For some while I have caught the odd glimpse of an adult hare in my garden.  Last summer, when cutting my grass, I occasionally disturbed a couple of young Leverets, although never in the same place as I believe they just shelter in a depression in the ground.  They would pop up when I least expected it and tear across the garden.  Sometimes my dog would spot them and give chase but luckily never caught them except that one day I found one of them dead, so whether my dog killed it I don't know.  They were about the size of a kitten.

A few days ago I spotted an adult hare in my garden again so they /it seems to like it here.  Last night I let my dog out about 11 pm and about 20 mins later heard her barking, this was accompanied by loud screaming from something.  I went out with a torch to see what it was and found her barking and  dancing around a tiny little baby hare, it must have been about the size of a mole.  Bringing my dog in, I went back outside with a camera so that I could show you a picture, but no trace of it.  I think the adult must have scooped it up within the short time it took me to get my camera.

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A few days ago I spotted an adult hare in my garden again so they /it seems to like it here.  Last night I let my dog out about 11 pm and about 20 mins later heard her barking, this was accompanied by loud screaming from something.  I went out with a torch to see what it was and found her barking and  dancing around a tiny little baby hare, it must have been about the size of a mole.

I think you and your dog surprised something that was looking for something to eat, possibly had it when you went to get your camera.


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Hares may be regarded as rare in England, though I have just read something about their re-introduction to the Peak District, but they are very common in 50 - at least where we are, which is a mere 5km or so from the border with 53 (the dept where Weedon is). You are far more likely to see a hare than a wild rabbit in the fields here.
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I hadn't considered Chris's theory that a predator had come back to collect it's meal. Maybe I shall find out later in the spring if I see it/them again.

Will's observation about rabbits is quite true as I never see them in the fields here.  Mind you...the amount of Owls at night and Kestrels and Buzzards by day, I am surprised that anything survives. 

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Once, taking the cross country route between Chartres and Voves at around 4am, I was surprised to see hares. Not solitary, but large-ish groups. They seemed to be everywhere, particularly around the fields of rape. And they weren't rabbits as those on the road lolloped off just like hares do.

Here in the UK in Lincs, they aren't so rare. Deer can often be seen grazing beside the motorways too.

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