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Trees or People ? Time to change the rules !


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On speaking with my Australian femily members about their terrible fires.I was told about one guy who was fined for clearing trees from around his property. This some time ago...so heavy were the penalties for felling the trees he was financially ruined ....Guess who still has his home standing today and the lives of his family saved....Angry home losers are blaming the councils for their environmental policies and for loss of lives as they would not let people create fire breakes round their houses .....I think these rules have got to be changed and other countries should take note....and let people protect their homes and lives if trees are too close ....
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This has made me wonder if I'm the only one who is concerned about their Australian relatives. I'm comforting myself that if anything had gone seriously wrong with a pair of middle-aged twins living in Churchill it would have been in the news. I'm hoping that the lack of contact is part of the muddle they must be in at the moment.

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They cut a fire break in the forest by my house last year. Silly people didn't think of the lay of the land and now when it rains the water shoots down the fire break and  floods a road and hamlet about 5 kilometres away.
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