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Why dont moths fly to the moon ?


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Yes OK I have had a few glass of the red stuff ..... But I was just watching a moth desperatley try to get in my window to get to the light ..... So why if they like light so much dont they fly towards the moon and dissappear ....?
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Good question - it must be to do with their visible light spectrum.

They can see toward the ultra violet end of the VLS , it may be that the reflected light from the sun off the moon does not have much UV light.

Or perhaps if they did attempt to fly to the moon they would die and so after millions of years they have realised it is useless.

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There is a theory that if you are a moth and are trying to fly in a straight line at night - you can do this by keeping the moon always to one side. If you mistake a bright light for the moon and it is quite close to you, keeping it always on one side has the effect of making you fly in circles around it - hence the moths end up spiralling around the light.

But I cannot go with this idea as with a UV moth trap the moths just go straight to it - probably as it is so bright to them.

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Every time somebody describes being visited or abducted by beings from another planet these beings are always described as having some human form.  They well be green, or have only one eye but there is always something vaguely lifelike about them.  So why can't visitors from other planets be here already in another form other than human shaped.  If my theory is correct they could come in any shape or form, could be woodlice (I've always been suspicious of those little critters) or even those funny round brown bits (look like small wasp nests) that hang off oak tree branches.  Could even be moths, although I can see how operating the controls of a flying saucer could be a little tricky for them.  But perhaps flying around their own planet moths had no lights to head for so they came to Earth.  As far as I know stone age man's reading  wasn't troubled by moths to any degree which is why moths only arrived here in relatively recent years.  After coming all of that way to find light I imagine that as they have it here in abundance moths have no wish to make the return journey.  Another thing that hasn't been thought through, what is going to happen to all the moths if this obssession with saving light energy continues.  I can see the time coming when someone in government comes up with the slogan "Save a moth, switch on a light"


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Lights don't save moths - they damage them. They spend so much time flying towards them they get tired and don't feed. When they get to the light they can be burned and predators can catch them.

Better for moths and the environment to turn the light off.


I think that if there are what we refer to as aliens we may never know as we have only a restricted senses. They may be entirely different and unseen, unheard with no smell or taste.

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