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Hoopoe, too late or too early ?

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We usually see a mating pair of hoopoes at our house in the SW, but we are in the midst of a large amount of renovation with pneumatic drills and compressors making a lot of noise. The builders will have finished the noisy work by the end of the week. My question is: Have the Hoopoes been scared away by the noise, or are they likely to arrive after the work has finished? I see from earlier posts that they seem to arrive around now.

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 They are definatly in the South Vendee ....We have one every morning on the power wires in the street hooping away !.....  He  thinks as he is up at 5.30 am the rest if us need to be ....come and make a noise here and scare this one away !

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Male and Female. A few seconds later the male pulled a leather-jacket, (Crane fly larva out of the ground and gave it to the female). Sadly missed the photo opportunity.



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When they walk on the gravel, their colouring is a wonderful camouflage, and because they are quite small, they can be difficult to see.

They are still competing with the cuckoo :

Hoo hoo hoo....cuckoo cuckoo....hoo hoo hoo !
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Because only a male would present a female with a tasty morsel. One can speculate that there are a couple of obvious reason why he would do this, both are commonish in the bird world. One is to endear her, a bonding process. The other is to show her that he will be a good provider for her and her young that will enable her to fulfil her most important mission in life - to continue her genes into another generation.


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