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Recycling Facilities in Pas De Calais / How do skips work

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Hi all,

Sorry if this has been covered before.

We will be renovating a house in Pas De Calais starting August this year - nearest biggish town being Bapaume and then Arras.

Means we'll be throwing quite a bit out.

Is it easy to hire a Skip in France similar to uk ?

Plus assuming there is recycling facilities in Bapaume do we simply turn up there and throw the stuff in a skip or whatever - or do we need to register etc

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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[quote user="Locheelad"]Plus assuming there is recycling facilities in Bapaume do we simply turn up there and throw the stuff in a skip or whatever - or do we need to register etc [/quote]

Go to your your Mairie or ask a neighbour which facilities are designated for your commune, and what paperwork you need.

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round here you can use your déchetterie - if you have proof you live/own a house in the commune.

EDF bill will do.

Not all déchetteries take asbestos or other dubious substances - best to check. Opening hours can be "aléatoire" too :)
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I live very close to where you are moving and in over 4 years I have never, ever seen a skip, nor know of any skip hire companies, as the dechetteries take almost everything, the frequent removals of objêts encombrant by the commune and farmers (and in some cases even the Mairies) removing spoil/soil etc to tip on their land there is just not a market for skips and hence (in this area at least) they do not exist.

My top tip is to buy a big trailer and make friends with the guys at your local dechetterie, or mine if they are not helpfull.

Actually I have on occasion seen a skip supplied on loan by the local scrapyard to factories with a lot of metal waste.

I guess that there must be a good market for skip hire in Paris, has anyone ever seen a builders skip in their area?

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